
1 year old and maybe preg again is this fair on my 1 year old?

by  |  earlier

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i dont want her missing out on things, time with mummy and daddy, treats, ect........ will she hate me for it?




  1. She WONT hate you for it. Having a sibling at that age all the memories she will have is of her brother or sister always having been there. That's how it was for me. My sister was born when I was two and I don't remember a time when my sister wasn't there. I love my mom for having given me two wonderful sisters who are my best friends now! (and a baby brother 11 years later!)

  2. it will be good to have the children at a close age company for each other, you will just have to keep telling her how lovely

    it will be for her to have new baby for company

  3. It depends on how you raise your child/children.

  4. Not at all I have two girls that are not a quite one year apart. Yikes, I know. Somethings are harder with them so close together and somethings like playtime are actually easier.

  5. It's a great age. It will be demanding on you but my brother and sister are 18 months apart and they are best friends because of how close they are in age.

  6. I found out that I was pregnant when my son was 8 months old.  I now have 4 weeks left!  I do feel bad...but at the same time they are still young enough not to really know what is going on and after a few weeks of the baby around they won't even realize what is happening.  Pregnancy is a lot harder because there is no time to rest and very hard to keep up with your house and a 1 year old.  I do think it will be nice that they are close in age.

  7. My 2 girls are 11 months apart, we traveled a lot and they always had each other for companionship.  Until they hit puberty then they had their time when they couldn't stand each other. They grew up to be total opposites in personality but they both have told me they had a wonderful childhood and I think a lot of it had to do with not being an only child nor having a sibling too old or too young compared to them.

    As far as time with mum and dad is concerned we had this 'only child' time about every 6 months where when they were hitting around 4 years old we would leave one with the neighbors and take just the one out for trip and alternate with the other child so they each had time with us. That worked out really well.  Good luck!

  8. Its going to be hard on you. She is still young enough that she wont remember being the only child. My boys are 22 months apart and I think my oldest was just starting to get used to being the only child and not having to share anything, now they are good buddies and play together nicely. Its a lot of work having 2 babies though, you will be very busy!!

  9. I asked myslf the same questions when I found myself pregnant a couple weeks after my daughters 1st birthday. Unfortunately my pregnancy ended in a late miscarriage. Even thoguh they will be kind of close in age, and it will be hard having 2 in diapers, you can do it. And as long as you make an effort to spend time with your 1 year old during this pregnancy and after, I think it will go fine.

  10. I have been going through the same 'guilts' myself and I worry all the time about how my 15 month old will react in two months when his brother/sister will be born. I think it is normal to feel this way, but I think that my Son will be fascinated because he has never really been up close to a new born. Aparently, the youngest is the one that ends up a little left out ; because second time around you are more likely to be doing stuff to cater for the older sibling... I think once the first 4/5 months are over they will be 'entertained' by similar things!

    All the best! x

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