
1 year old cranky, teething, tired?

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Can teething cause tiredness in my 1 year old? He is definitely teething, which makes him super cranky, but also seems more tired than usual. He will lay himself down for brief periods while playing. He also seems to be going through separation anxiety for the first time ever, and is super clingy. Is this all normal? His 1 year appointment with the pediatrician is next week, but I wanted to get some advice from other moms!




  1. teething can make a baby really tired and cranky but if u not really sure what is wrong with him u might wanna go ahead and take him to the doctor ahead of time to make sure that nothing is wrong. or at least that is what i would do.

  2. he may not be tired. laying down might help soothe the pain. teething might also be a reason for the clinging.if he is in pain he might just be comforted by your presence. my daughter is having separation anxiety now at 20 months.  it started a few months ago and i can't even begin to leave a room without her screaming! good luck and i hope he feels better and you get some relief

  3. Yes, the pain is probably keeping him up at night. Is he sleeping through the night? How are his eating habits? Is he running a fever? Sometimes teething kids have a mild fever, that can make him sleepy too. and definitly cranky.  

  4. When either one of my son's were teething or sick they were extra clingy give him something frozen to gnaw on and just hold him if it makes him feel better

  5. ever had a real bad tooth  ache, or head ache, and tried to get some sleep, well it is the same for baby's, they are not getting there sleep, so they power nap. we use a little bit of orel- jell spread it on there gums it really helps. have a nice day.

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