
1 year old hates nappy changing????

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my one year old daughter didnt used to mind having her nappy changed but lately she just hates it and i dread doing it because she gets so upset! what can i do to make it more of a positive experience and keep her happy! i have tried giving her toys etc to play with but she just chucks them any ideas??? many thanks




  1. I had kids like that, so what I did was buy a sheet of cheap stickers. At nappy changing time, get one and stick it on the back of her hand. She will be so distracted by looking at it and trying to get it off, she won't notice you have just changed her.

    Good luck!

  2. My daughter is 8 months old and insists on rolling away when i change her it has become a challenge but i find talking to her in a soothing voice and repeatedly calling her a good girl keeps her still long enough to change her. does she have a favorite toy or blanket which you could " bribe" her with (in a good way) eg say "let mummy change you quickly so your all nice and clean because ( toys name or blanket etc) likes it when your clean and thinks your a very good girl for letting mummy change you" always try to explain why you need to do things as even at 1 year old they like to know and be reassured that all is safe normal and well. good luck

  3. I know she's only one, but maybe she's trying to tell you she's ready to start pre-potty training.

  4. Oh yeah I know what you are going through!!  my 1yr old has never liked the whole nappy changing time!  he just wants to escape every time!!  I just discovered  huggies nappy pants!!!  I keep normal nappies around as well and now when I change him, i grab both types and if he is wild and wiggles away i just sit him on my lap and pull them up, or let him stand and so it that way!!  the are great!!  they have toddler size as the smallest but my little guy is 85cm so they work great!!!  good luck and I am also going to try to sticker idea that charlie's mum does that seems great!!

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