
1 year old - napping?

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Was your child still napping at 1?

Mine's always been hard to get to sleep, since he was a newborn. He sleeps long and well once he's asleep but getting him to sleep is not easy.

Since he was about 5 months old he's consistently had 1 nap a day, but this past week he just wont go to sleep even though I know he's soooo tired. I've been trying to rock him to sleep and all the other things I normally do. And then I just put him in his crib to cry it out a bit. He'll cry for not long and then just play around for up to an hour if I let him, then he'll get bored of it and cry to come out.

I don't want him to think that he can get out of his naps if he cries enough. I dont want to be a pushover. Especially when I know he's sooo tired and will be grumpy all day without it. But I dont know if I should be forcing naps like this.

Any advice?




  1. My daughter stopped napping around 10 months old, my son not til about 3 years old!  I think it's different for each kid.  He either needs the sleep or he doesn't.  :)

  2. I take care of a 16 month old and she still naps- and needs it.

    She used to go down at 10:30ish but shes getting a bit older now and naps at 1 now. Sometimes she still gets tired early and falls asleep.

    Sometimes I can tell she needs a nap but shes fighting it and won't go to sleep. If that happens I try:

    1. Letting her cry it out unless shes freaaaaaaaaaaaaaking

    2. I put a couple of soft toys or a book in her crib and she plays for a bit and falls asleep.

    3. Warm up her milk a little extra and she will fall asleep in my arms drinking it.

    4.Recently it has been warm in her room so we put a fan in and it is also good white noise:)

    Some other ideas:

    Move the nap time up to a later time

    Take the child to the park and tire him/her out (this one helps a lot)

    Give her/him a relaxed time before bedtime/gentle activities

    A dark room

    Make sure he/she is not hungry or uncomfortable before nap time

    Bit of a routine. Maybe a bottle then brush teeth...then nap.

    Also... she only has a soother when she naps or goes to bed so when you pop it in she kind of knows its nap times.

    I know how tough it can be when they are tired and won't nap.

    Good luck!!

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