MY one year old daughter, is like a mini perfectionist, and will even go around a room picking up stuff and putting it where it belongs. I think she gets this from my mother and mother in law.
Anywho about a month ago, she started taking her own diaper off if she pooped. About three weeks ago, she started walking and when she needs to p**p she will say "Woo", one day I asked her when she said this if she wanted to go to the potty, she looked at me and stood about and walked about fourty feet to our bathroom, she ssat on the potty and pooped. And before she pees she takes her diaper off. However, this is causing a bit of a problem because I have to constantly keep those clothes diaper covers that go with her outfits on. And If I don't there is a little bit of a mess to clean up. Does it sound like she is ready to potty train? And if so how can you potty train a one year old baby girl, when she can only say a few words herself?