my sons grandma treats him like a baby when he is with her. I have fought with her a bout this for years. Ok now in the last year she just stopped wiping his bottom cause he just wasnt gettin it so she says she was just helping, she runs his bath water and helps dry him, clips his nail sometimes she treats him like a baby and this madness never ends its always something. She says he will one day be to old to care for like this. He is ten and at home does everything on his own. His grandma refuses to let him grow up. She flat out says she will continut this behavior , its not hurting him. Help someone I need statistics to prove to her she is mentally and emotionally abusing my son. I love her to death shes great just when it comes to my son she refuses to let go. Like I said I have battled for 10 years with her over everything when it comes to him. This women is a micro-manager. Help someone give me advice. His dad lives next door to gran-ma so hes always there