
10 PC's in my office sharing 2 internet connections. Is it possible to ALL be on the same network too?

by Guest64334  |  earlier

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Hi, in my office we have 10 PC's. 5 PC's are on 1 internet connecton and 5 PC's are on another. The trouble I'm having it getting all 10 PC's on the same network whilst still using the 2 different internet connections. So I was just wondering if this is at all possible? Just to let you know too, if we run all 10 PC's on the same internet connection we always run into many problems as we have been told that our current internet setup can only handle between 2 and 5 PC's. This is why we need to get another internet setup to handle all 10 PC's in my office. BUT we also must all be on the same network. We can setup 1 internet package to handle between 5 and 10 PC's but it's very very expensive and having 2 internet connections that handle between 2 and 5 PC's is alot cheaper. I'm sure you techies get the idea. Please help. Thanks




  1. if you are using all 10 computers on same connection, and you have problems, you must be doing something wrong.  10 PC's is not a large network, so unless you are using dial-up, which I doubt, 10 pc's on 1 dsl or cable internet connection shouldn't make any difference at all.  

    I don't understand why you cant have 1 internet connection going into 1 router then connect all 10 computers to that router.

    what type of internet connection do u have?

    are your ip addresses dynamic or static?

    are the computer in a work-group or domain network?

    there really isn't an easy way to do it, but if it is true that it wont work with 10 computers on 1 internet connection, then u need 2 static ip addresses, they must be static, the reason they have to be static is because you have to trust those ip address your isp gives you, and if its dynamic the ip adress might change and your have to set it up again, so by being static you set it up once and forget about it..  have 1 internet connection going to 1 router, and the other internet connection going to the 2nd router.  then you have to set up a vpn and port forwarding between both sets of computers. that's about the easiest way.

    another way would be to have 3 nics in 1 computer, put both internet connections into 2 of the nics, bridge them so your signal doubles speed, then with the 3rd nic have that go to a switch, connect the other 9 computers to the switch and setup internet connection sharing on the first computer, this way u wont have to set up a vpn or port forwarding.

  2. My first guess is... you are using static IP for each user hence hitting max of 5 users, which is wrong as well as a waste of IP

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