
10 POINTS!! Is this a healthy attitude towards life? (please read)?

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okay when it comes to issues such as god i feel:

there's no way to tell whether he exist or not so why argue about it?

towards politics and the war in iraq with bush-

who really knows why this war is being fought (except a select few) so why get so upset believing claims such as bin laden has a contract on bush's father, or the US is trying to take over the world.

or issues such as abortion and g*y marriage:

if you disagree with g*y marriage or abortion just don't have one. Moral issues shouldn't be part of politics, the morality of g*y marriage, abortion, or the death sentence are almost impossible to argue be/c religion steps in the way and makes everything unnecessarily complicated.

I am 15 is it healthy to be so nonchalant about issues? I do do a lot of research about current events, etc. but i almost never draw a conclusion on anything.




  1. Yes. You are very open-minded. Which means you have the ability to see things from more than one point of view. You should study would be great as a Counselor or Psychologist  or something in the Mental Health field. They need people like you! As a matter of fact, you'd make a GREAT President!!!!!

  2. yes, you can prove that God exists.  email me at to talk more about that.

    our leaders should state their moral perspectives, but should never try to force people to be like them.

  3. god: yeah, thats not a bad way to look at it

    politics:  this affects you a lot more than you think, you should be at least a little upset because it affects your reputation as an American.  Do you want people to automatically assume you're a warmonger who likes to torture people?  Because that's what Bush is doing in OUR name.

    abortion: yes, but some people think its murder so thats why they fight so hard against it, some people think its a right

    g*y marriage: exactly, if you don't like it, don't get one

    religion: complicates everything with its intrusions

    being passive is not necessarily a bad thing, but you should have some things that you believe in strongly.  But don't worry about that.  You're only 15, and you seem to already be ahead of the curve compared to a lot of adults even.

  4. It would appear that you've cut out the middle man & jumped straight to someone who's been through every emotion on issues and come to the realisation that it doesn't really matter & you should live and let live.(Or die & let die)

    Or is it just apathy? The great thing about living with such diverse opinions is atleast you have something to disagree with.There's nothing like a good debate,which affirms bonds between those who feel the same.Ultimately, it brings people together.

  5. your definitely right!

    i think it's healthy to be careless about things you have no control over!

    good job girl!

  6. who ever claimed that bin laden had a contract out on Bush's father? I think you are getting bin laden confused with Saddam Hussein. You're 15? I would have guessed 8.  

  7. Yes.  People tend to over-focus on the most inate things in life.  

    Worry about yourself and how you conduct your life first and foremost.

    You sound very mature for 15 years old.  You should go far in life.

  8. absolutely. no one can ever know for sure whether or not there is a god until they are dead. so no one should go on like they do know, when they have no proof either way.

    for a 15 year old you have some sense. being nonchalant is the best way to be, thats how i am and i seem to be much more happy than most people.

  9. I think you have a good question, but I think a lot of people do draw a conclusion based on their own experience in life..

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