
10 POINTS TO BEST ANSWER! What fish should i get?

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So far in my 10 gallon tank i have:

2 mollies (silver, gold dust)

1 Angel Fish [marbled (yes i no, there for bigger tanks, but its fine so don't lecture me about it!)]

I want to get another fish but what should i get?

They have to be pretty hardy fish.. and friendly

Any ideas?

The tank has been active for 2 months. It stays at 80 degrees has a filter and heater

the PH level is pretty high, 7.6 maybe higher, but there was a worst affect constantly battling the level then just leaving it be.

Thanks! =]

p.s: when should i get a cleaning fish, and how would a Otocinclus be?




  1. A shark!!!!!

  2. 5 neon tetras or 3 glow light tetras or mabe a 2 dwarf frogs

  3. i would say to get a "cleaning fish" asap  an otto cat would be perfect, also i would suggest any kind of corrie cat.   bolth of wich are pretty hardy

  4. i got 7 neon tetras 4 guppies and 3 platys

    id suggest those

    their really colorful

  5. Hardy" and "Undemanding" are good words to describe Bala Sharks, but it may take a while for them to get comfortable in a new tank, during which care should be taken so they don't jump out. They're among the best-humored fish you can get. Everything seems always fine to them, no matter where you want to set your water parameters or what you want to feed them. More than that, they're totally non-aggressive and very active, spending most of the time searching the entire tank for bits of food. They get pretty BIG though, and only feel secure in groups, so a large tank is recommended (500 L or more). They're the type of fish that concerned aquarists should resist the urge of having until they can actually care for them in the long run. My 3 balas took only a year to outgrow a 100x50 cm tank, they started becoming uncomfortable, often freaking out and hurting themselves on the glass and decoration. Moved to a 150x60 cm tank, they calmed down again and in 3 years had reached about 25 cm, with perfect bodies and huge fins (see photo). Unfortunately I lost the trio in an accident in this tank. Breeding in home aquariums is practically impossible, since in nature the couple will dart off side by side bumping their bodies on each other as the female spreads the eggs and the males fertilize them. I've seen mine rehearse the body-bumping dance, but it doesn't go beyond that...the tank would have to be a good 10 meters long for them to pick up the necessary speed and do it right.

  6. well I think that tiger cat fish are pretty cool.I have one in my fish tank and he's fun to have. If you do get one be sure to give it some place to hide. They enjoy to have a special place to feel secure. :)Also cichlids are really pretty and small at first but be careful they can be aggressive!

  7. You have a marbled Angelfish in a 10 gallon tank? Well you won't have it for long, from the stress from being in that small of a tank and with you planning on getting more fish will kill it. There is a reason why we lecture idiots who think they can put an elephant in a research on fish before you buy them. If you want beautiful fish, provide them with the necessary needs that they demand....

  8. Otocinclus would be perfect for you.  Great bottom dwelling fish that cleans.  You can try a rainbow shark but they're pretty mean.  

  9. If the fish you have don't have a suitable sized tank I wouldn't suggest any more until you get a bigger tank.

  10. 1 Angel Fish [marbled (yes i no, there for bigger tanks, but its fine so don't lecture me about it!)]

    it's fine? have you asked it? no. many fish appear fine because the effects of improper housing take a while to show. it's irresponsible to know you're not providing a living thing with what it needs and continue anyway.

    I don't suggest any fish if you have no interest in providing proper care.


    but you ARE, if you know it needs more it's your job to find it a new home. I suggest trying a group like freecycle or craigslist. or try explaining to the pet store you didn't realize it wasn't right for your tank and would they exchange it or take it as a donation.

    once you find the angel a new home (not before...), I like cory cats for the bottom, and maybe a dwarf gourami for top level.

  11. sorry but not alot of fish do good with angels including mollies so my advice get him a 20 gallon then add a few more mollies or no more fish for you

  12. well you can have a bottom feeder fish cleans the tank bottom and is a aligeater.....start with one small one the bigger tank the bigger they get.....mollies are fish that breed easily....there purdy...the black and white ones are very hardy can put sharks with them but it seems like you have to go in go with the smallest sharks....the white one and light silver are very hardy sharks...but your tank isnt that big...i have a 75 gallons tank and my bottom feeder is now about 8 inches long....i have had him since the tank do not drain all the water out. leave about 5 inches of water in take..make sure your filter is running good daily....clean the tank out about every 6 wks with the water drainage...always put tap water in the way is put water in a milk jug and let it set over night....and slowly put it into your tank....there is also, silver dollar fish you can put with angel fish and sharks,and bottom feeders...start with small not buy big fish for that tank they will grow...i feed mine daily in the evening, once a day....good luck...

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