
10 POINTS best answer.What is better a warrior or a paladin in world of warcraft?

by  |  earlier

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PLease give a detailed description and why you make that choice ie Strong and weak points etc. also a website where i can read up further. thanks 10 Points best answer guaranteed




  1. they both have flaws, Warrior do alot dmg but cant heal, pallys do alot but not as much as a warrior but they heals/Bubbles, so it depends if you wanna DPS go warrior, Tanking/Healing is for paladins.

    heres a site below that tell you there spells so you can see how much damage they both do and the different specs  

  2. it depends on what you want to do? and if your meaning currently or having us predict what it will be like in wrath too..

    but.. lets look at all the aspects

    PvE Tanking - Warr for main tanking due to the higher max health and "Oh $h*t" buttons but tankadins own the rest of the raid/instance

    PvE DPS   - Warrs by far.. ret pallys are gimpsauce in pve unless there decked to all h**l and then its still not the same.

      Healing - warrs cant heal... pallys win

    PvP - there both good damage.. Ret vs Arms.. warrs never go oom but pallys can heal /clense /bubble etc.

    in the future (wrath) from what ive seen from the beta talent trees Id imagine that pallys will be able to fill both there weaker rolls better (main tanking and pve dps) but i think warrs will still be on top when it comes to dealing damage.

  3. warrior is better,better weapons stronger  

  4. I reckon just go with a... Druid! Great offensive power, can heal well and just generally good with a lot. Can trap stuff 2 so you don't have to get too hurt trying to run away from a much higher level.


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