
10 POINTS to honest, best answer..ill give u the points by tomorrroww?

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me and a guy friend (who does NOT in anyway form have a crush on me) were talking and he said this guy liked me. its a guy that my guy friend and all his friends dislike. a lot. a bunch o other ppl told me he liekd me, and i thought so too myself.

but he always gives mixed signals and stuff like that. and i can't be POSITIVE.

so i argued my guy friend saying he might not like me, etc. and he said "its soo obvious"

so i said "ok we'll put it to the test. what can i do that will get hi to react a certain way, proving that he likes me" (besides ask if he likes me or asking him to hook up, etc)

any ideas? like if i do something will he react a way only a guy who liesk you would. or will he flirt a certain way, differently than if he just thought i was hot. or if i ask him a certain question would he give an answer that might hint something. how can i get him to give hints at what he thinks.. like say im cool or something.

this isnt to boost my self esteem like "how can i get him to say im pretty?" or something. its to see if my guy friend is right. i dont need self esteem boosting. i know im cool :)




  1. steal something from Walmart and give it to him (find out his favorite team)

  2. Do you like this guy?  If not, don't do anything.  It would be mean of you to try to get him to reveal his feelings for you just so you can solve a bet.

    If you do like him, ask him to work on a school project with you...if he says yes, he likes you.  Or sit a little too close to him (just casually, don't be all flirty or he might just think you're a ho) and see if he shifts his body away from yours.  If he does, he's not interested.  If he stays put, he probably likes you.

  3. First of all, i love the self esteem thing. Confidence is keyy! Well asking certain questions, about who the guy likes, or if he is free can be a dead give away. Another way, a tad harder is watch how he acts with other girls, and then compare it to you. Thats kinda hard, but guys DO act differently with girls they like and girls they do not like.

    && for the record if alot of people are saying this, just flat out ask him if itss true, even if he doesnt answer him blushing or his body language is dead giveaway.

  4. -where noticable clothes that will make him break his own neck looking

    -flirt with someone near him and see if he tries to get into the picture

    -flirt with him a little bit and gauge his response

    -keep ur attitude teen bopper and laughy and playful the whole time

    -look in his eyes and if hes having trouble keeping direct eye contact when hes realy close to you thats a good sign.

  5. Ask if he wants to do something. Seems pretty easy to me. If he says yes, he likes you.

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