
*10 PTS* EASY FACEBOOK question??? PLEASE!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Okay I was signed into facebook n i was searching through names and I mistakenly clicked on the "add as a friend" thing that automatically gave me a message window thing saying that person would have to confirm you to add you to their friends list. Okay so does that automatically give them a request about me wanting to be their friend? IT was a mistake and omg i think i might know the guy. Like would they get my request thing when they sign in?? PLEASE Help! 10 points!!




  1. Yeah they do get the request. But it's ok, if he accepts and you don't want him on your list, you can delete him. :)

  2. No! You didn't friend request them all the way! You still had to hit "Add Friend" on that window that said "This person will have to confirm that you are friends". So, don't worry about it.

    ..I still don't know why everyone on here said that you friend requested the person because you didn't....

  3. yes they recieve your request

  4. Ya he will get ure request..

    but you can try blocking him....

    and tht makes him...unable to search for him at friends...lose all connections

    and tht stuff

  5. I DID THE SAME THING ON ACCIDENT!!! lol yea they get the request and u cant undo it.. so i gess u  can message and let them kno it was a mistake or just delete them if they accept

  6. Yes he will get the friend request, but if he accepts you and you don't want him to be on your friend list you can just delete him right away

  7. I share the same opinion as "anti-war" .

    Everyone here who says the person has already received your request is either lying, doesn't know facebook very well, or didn't read your question well.

    The dialog you received was a "confirm dialog", which means exactly that. It's a "Are you sure?" dialog. If you didn't click the "OK" (or similar) button in the confirm dialog, then the request was NOT sent.

    It's very simply to check. Do a search for that person again. If it says "Add as a friend" in his listing then that means the request did not go through. If it says "Friend Requested" then it means that you did in fact click the "Confirm" button.

    To cancel the request you could always block him, however it's probably kinder to just message him and let him know you added him by mistake.

    Trust me on this one :P

  8. yes, he receive ur friend request thats why u got a response back letting u know that he has to confirm you. So he has to approve u or deny u. I know that really sucks, i accidently did that a couple of times

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