
10 PTS FOR BEST ANSWER!!! I need to speed up my download using utorrent.

by Guest67148  |  earlier

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I have a 384 kbps dsl connection. Whenever I download files from utorrent, my down speed is only between 21-41 kB/s. So when i download a 700MB file, it takes about 6 hours to finish the download. I already forwarded the port and it was ok. I limited my upload to 20 kB/s and my downlad is unlimited. This made my down speed to go between 34-43 kB/s but this is still not fast enough and I only dowload files one at a time.

I am currently downloading a 584MB file.

Seeds: 41 (146) Peers: 9 (108)

So what can you suggest? Is there any other way to speed up my download so that it takes lesser time to complete the download?

I'll give 10 points for the answer that proves to be effective. Thanks in advance!!!




  1. This is a good guide on getting better speed in uTorrent

    However, your 384kbps connection is in KiloBits (kb) and uTorrent shows speeds in KiloBytes (kB).

    8kb = 1kB so the 384kbps = 48kBps in uTorrent, which would be the max speed you can see.  So you are not far off from your max.

  2. Have you set up fixed IP addresses on the LAN side?  If you use DHCP  on the LAN side, the port forwarding address may not be correct. So you could be sure that your port forwarding is right, when it is not, becuse DHCP has changed the address

  3. certifications-

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