
(10 PTs.) Question about Paint on your computer (READ!)?

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Ok so.. I was surfing youtube and watched these amazing videos on drawing kingdom hearts characters using Paint on your computer.

The person who did it drew really smooth and nice he did it really fast too! I know he made it really fast by fastforwarding but he didnt even mess up. Is it even possible to paint like that on your computer??

It says he used 'tablet' is that like something that paints for you or helps? Heres some link that you can watch how he did it:

I like the last one hehe so if u know how he does it or what program he uses answer.. or if hes just rlly rlly rlly rlly rlly rlly talented on the computer. my mouse laggs




  1. He used a tablet, which is like a book that is connected to your computer, which you can draw on. Read all about it here:

  2. i guess you just have to be a really good drawer and / or you have to practice a lot !  

  3. Tablet is a program where you can draw your pictures on the computer by hand on a little tablet that hooks up to your computer I think. He is drawing it by hand, so that's why he's so good.

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