
*10 Points* Help writing contract?

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Well me and my parents have an agreement on what is required for me to do in order to be able to drive and get my very own car at the age of 16. And all I need is a contract for them to sign. It's only between us [no other people so don't worry].

Well here are some details:

~Be able to drive at the age of 16 if I get 3.8 GPA or higher for both semesters of the school year.

~They would buy me a car. [Mom Dad]

Please make it sound official. No nonsense. [Blanks to fill in (Signatures Date etc.) Label in parenthases please.

Example: I ____ (dad) and ___(mom) allow bla bla bla.




  1. well u dont realli need all this i mean how idiotic!

    after all they are your parents! if they say sumthing then im sure they will stand with it! soo this contract thin is quite funny!

    u gotta trust them....!  u jus do yr job n leave the rest to them!

  2. This is an agreement between ________ (father), __________ (mother), and _________ (son).

    I, ______ (son), promise to keep my GPA at at least 3.8 during both semesters at my school.  I promise to obey all traffic laws and any other applicable laws while driving my vehicle or any other vehicle.  I promise to drive only when permitted by my parents and will give the keys to the vehicle to my parents at their request for any reason.  I promise to never drink any alcohol, take any illegal drugs, or be in the vicinity of any other person know to me to possess any illegal drugs.  I  promise to not let any other person drive the vehicle without my parents' permission.  I promise to maintain the vehicle and keep it in proper mechanical condition, clean the vehicle routinely, provide for normal scheduled maintenance, ensure the insurance is current, and ensure the registration is current.  I will pay for all fuel related costs, cleaning costs, and other required costs to maintain the safe and proper performance of the vehicle.  I promise to immediately inform my parents if I am involved in an accident while driving any vehicle, however minor the accident is.  I promise to immediate notify my parents if I have failed to meet any or all of the above conditions.

    If I keep the above terms, my parents, __________ (father) and ____________ (mother), and upon or after my sixteenth birthday, will provide me with a vehicle to drive.  My parents will allow me to drive the vehicle at their whim, and may revoke my driving privileges with or without cause.  My parents will be fair and impartial when considering my driving privileges and I will honor their decisions regarding my driving privileges.  

    As a minor, I agree and understand that I do not own anything and all my possessions belong to my parents.  Upon reaching the age of eighteen, I and my parents agree to end this agreement, and if necessary, create a new agreement, including the purchase of said vehicle.

    My parents and I concur with this agreemnt.

    This agreement is signed this ________ day of _________________, 2008







  3. Are you seriously asking - you don't even know who to write up a contract for you? And do you honestly expect for it to be legally binding?

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