
10 Points guaranteed for best answer: What's the best way to sort out all the knick knacks in my room?

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I have so many knick knacks that just clutter all my cupboards and shelves! I don't know what to do with them...It's really random stuff that i can't throw away, but I don't know how to sort it all out. 10 points guaranteed for the best answer!





  1. Couple ways depending on how (or if) you want to showcase them. Sort by color, size, texture or subject. For display purposes, create areas dedicated to a "like item", then if you get bored with that, choose all of one color (but different subjects). Keep it pleasing to the eye and don't over-do it with what would look like just a bunch of stuff on a shelf. Another idea is to simply use a few items at a time and not all. If this is for storage purposes only, do the same with "color, size, texture or subject", take it slow and label the boxes! Good luck - LT

  2. Things u have nt used for the past 6 mths are least important.

    The ones before that are useless.

    Adjust things as per their use..keep them together neatly in nice boxes.

    Try cleaning things every weekend.

    Keep clutter away..

  3. Simplify. Give them to mum or the dumpster.

  4. How about from either where you got them or Biggest to smallest. Lets say you had some figurines. Let's say you had 5. If you wanted to sot them from where you got them here's how you could do it. Pretend you got 2 from Wall mart , 1 from disney and the other two from burger king.

    You could take the two burger king ones and make it look like they were Best friends and are looking at each other. Then the 1 form disney put in the middle like it's confused.  Then the two from disney  in the way bak like they are just random.  

    Ok. Or if you wanted to do it biggest to smallest... Pretend you had coins. Pretend there is a penny , a nickel and a quarter. You could put the quarter first the nickel next then the penny!

    If none of those work then just put the items in an order , where you have every item you use to read with in one little cluster , but make it so it is like in an orderly fashion. Like if you had a big book a little book and you had a pair of glasses. Put the big Book on the bottom , the little book on top then on top of the little book put the glasses in a diagnol direction.

    If none work then just do it in color cordination.

    Good Luck!

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