
10 Points to who can give me a good answer on this!?

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I'm going to be filthy rich. That is a fact. I am currently a Junior at F.S.U. and I plan on Majoring in Finance ...and Management (Hesitation on the management).

I can talk to anyone and sell anyone. I've read enough books on business and people skill's that I could fill a small library. I speak French and Spanish. I am a workaholic with a mission and I will not settle for mediocrity.

My Questions are... What would be the best second major for finance if I want to work in the general area of investments & assets. And after I get my B.A. & MBA where do I go from there? What would be the best money making path to follow that will not take until I am 50 to be making six figures?

Please also state your qualifications to answer these questions.




  1. I'll be brutally honest with you: The skills that you list seem to qualify you for a position in sales, but to make the 'big bucks' in investment and asset management you need quantitative skills. While F.S.U. is a perfectly solid school, the finance department is not particularly well-regarded: in terms of high-quality finance publications they rank 116 during 1990 to 2007 (see link to research ranking below), so don't expect that Wall Street recruiters will be scrambling for F.S.U. finance students.

    You should consider developing serious quantitative skills to complement your interpersonal skills - the best second undergraduate major would be economics, with an emphasis on econometrics (which signals relevant applied quantitative skills). You also should work on your CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) designation.

    The quickest, yet most risky way riches is to work for a big Wall Street firm or a hedge fund.

    I also would recommend that you read Nassim Nicholas Taleb's book "Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in the Markets and Life"

    Good luck with your career.

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