
10 Questions-Answer Whichever Ones You Like?

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1. If the U.S. had not banned Chinese immigration in the late 1800’s, how would this have affected present-day China and the U.S.?

2. What is Russia like in the non-touristy areas? Is it like the rural U.S. midwest?

3. Is Czechoslovakia really like Nebraska?

4. What are fundamental differences and similarities between Christianity, Judaism, and Islam?

5. What is Wicca?

6. How do African Americans really feel? Do they mind being called “black”?

7. Should Canada, the U.S., and Mexico consolidate to form a complete nation called the Federated States of North America?

8. If Europeans had not ventured on to discover the New World, what do you think the Native American culture would be like today?

9. Do you truly believe in Aliens and/or Ghosts?

10. Have you had experience with either one?




  1. i have had an experience with ghost in my friends house, he said that at night before he goes to sleep he looks out his window and the shed light is on for some reason. He went to shut it off, then went back to his room and the light was on again so we stacked it out in his bedroom at about midnight the light came on and we did not see anyone go in there. So we went to look in the shed and no one was there then stuff started to fall off the shelves so we ran cause we were F****G SCARED. The ghost must have gotten mad that we were in the shed to long. Cause he would only go in for a couple seconds to shut the light off, so it didn't get mad.

  2. Q5:wicca is a nature based religeon which honers a god and a goddess

  3. Q5. What is Wicca?

    Wicca is a henotheistic religion, which recognises its own specific gods, while not denying the existence of gods and goddesses from other pantheons. Wicca itself is a 'hard polytheistic' religion, meaning that Wicca see their deities as specific individual beings. The gods of Wicca are known as the Horned God and Great Mother, these are outer court references meant to be used as place holders for the real names of their gods until the Seeker is initiated and taught those names.

    Wicca was founded by Gerald Gardner in around the 1930's, although the exact date is open for discussion, also open for discussion is whether Gardner founded Wicca entirely or whether it was an already existing spirituality which he merely re-introduced and re-invented, either way he is considered the founding father of Wicca. Gardner brought together Paganism with influences from many sources including the rituals and teachings of Freemasonry and Golden dawn resulting in a unique orthopraxic religion. Wicca embraces it's early Pagan roots in history, the history of Pagan faiths and the gods whom they followed and worshipped, Wicca also introduces eastern philosophy into it's primarily western path, along with this possibly one of Wicca's best known features, that of religious witchcraft.

    Wicca is gaining much attention due to a change in peoples approach to religion and the increase in public awareness of the religion through media attention and with this attention there has come much change to the face of Wicca with many forms:


    Wicca is an initiate only mystery tradition, or more precisely a priesthood, where one can trace their lineage back to Gardner. Initiation is the only way into Wicca, and is carried out by a Wicca coven, initiation into a coven requires formal training after which initiation and a system of degrees is followed.

    Wicca follows a strong set of doctrines, one who takes on the name 'Wicca' is also taking on these doctrines as well as practices and beliefs of Wicca, the title of 'Wicca' implies more than that you are a member of Wicca, but also that you have worked long and hard to earn that title.

    Seekers are those who wish to become Wicca however have yet to find a Wicca coven. Wicca covens can be hard to find let alone become a member of, often those whom are without a coven continue to study Wicca and surrounding subjects while seeking a Wicca coven to join.

    Often Wicca is described as 'Traditional Wicca' or 'BTW:British Traditional Wicca'.


    Neo-wicca is a new phenomenon, which is usually wholly eclectic, however like Wicca there are various different traditions. Neo-wicca often learn on their own terms, from books and other sources, but have little or no formal training and no initiation into Wicca. The beliefs of Neo-wicca are generally similar to that of Wicca however the details can often vary greatly as it follows the new age idea of personal belief/spirituality over formal religious doctrine. Neo-Wicca have varied views of the divine, either following soft-polytheism seeing all gods and goddesses as one god/goddess, polytheism working with gods and goddesses from various pantheons or pantheism working with a single divine present in all.

    The 'Neo' in Neo-wicca refers to the New Age approach taken by Neo-wicca that puts emphasis on personal spirituality or belief over the organized religion of Wicca. It also refers to a new take on Wicca, this has less to do with the age of the religion but the idea that this is a belief system which may have come naturally from Wicca if it was allowed to evolve in it’s own time, media influences have brought about Neo-wicca, it develops paralleled to Wicca, but is not part of Wicca.

    Often Neo-wicca describe themselves as 'Eclectic Wicca' or 'Solitary Wicca', although not actually Wicca.

    Although Wicca is heavily influenced or based upon witchcraft it is not the main belief behind Wicca, the terms 'Wicca' and 'witch' are not interchangeable. The practice of witchcraft fits well with the Wicca way of prayer and ritual, which often involves a highly personal relationship with the divine, the witchcraft of Wicca also works well with how Wicca views the universe as working, however it should be noted that witchcraft can be practiced by many religions as well as by Atheists and Agnostics.

    Wicca is not dogmatic, much of the morality and ethics of Wicca are in fact determined by the individuals take on a given situation. Often followers of Wicca will incorporate utilitarianism, which means that an act is carried out for the greater good or elements of their own morality rather then seek to find suitable behavior based on Wicca doctrine.

    The rede plays a large part in the morality and ethics of Wicca, there are many takes and much documentation on the rede that can be found in many places, the rede however in itself can be clearly understood by the quote below given by Gardner himself.

    "[Witches] are inclined to the morality of the legendary Good King Pausol, "Do what you like so long as you harm no one". But they believe a certain law to be important, "You must not use magic for anything which will cause harm to anyone, and if, to prevent a greater wrong being done, you must discommode someone, you must do it only in a way which will abate the harm." Gerald Gardner, The Meaning of Witchcraft, p 127 in the 1982 and 1999 printings

    Another aspect of the Wiccan ethical philosophy is that of the 'law of return' often known as the 'three fold law' which is similar to that of western karmic philosophy, that anything you do either good or bad will come back to you. Law of return is often more closely associated with magic ethics rather than the everyday ethics covered by the rede or other Wiccan ethical beliefs, however is often thought of as cause and effect. This is also often referred to as the 'rule of three' or 'law of three'. For the most part these morals and ethics are held more strongly by Neo-wicca, within Wicca these are often only taught to new initiates and Seekers to help them learn responsibility for their actions, for the most part Wicca rely on personal moral and ethical philosophies.

    WICCA LINKS: - Amber & Jet - Wicca: For the Rest of Us - Homecircle - StarFire Rising - Asiya`s Shadows - New Wiccan Church International

  4. q5 isn't it like voodoo and witchcraft

    q9 aliens yes ghosts?

    q10 saw ufo in sky, no ghostly experiences

  5. Ill tackle Q#9/10. Im not a beleiver in supernatural stuff. So much of what we thought was supernature is easily debunked w/ science. HOWEVER im of sound mind and all that, but when my Grandma died- I was sitting @ my makeup mirror doing my hair - a sensation of someone behind me softly running fingers thru my hair ( olyl one stroke across the back ) stopped me- my phone is ringing- I know ots my dad calling me to tell me I should visit Gramma today because I havnt been there yet, ( this Gramma & I were not that close like she was w/ her other granddaughters )- Im right- it is my dad- to tell me Gramma just passed. I really didnt want to move. I KNOW that it was her leaving- she allways loved my hair. I know the message was goodbye. I know it in my heart. I dont need ant science. Im at peace w/ that. I hope she forgive me for not taking time for her. I feel like it was her way of saying OK- just wanted to breeze by to say bye! My other Gramma was my whole life. I love her as a mother. Shes passed 12-16-06. I cannot get over the loss. I feel like a 40-yr old orphan. I need her in my life. I cry daily thinking of her. I prayed for some kind of verification that I couldnt science away. Ive never received it. Rest In Peace AnnaMae.     I hope I answered ur quest.

  6. we dont want mexico and canada dont want us

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