
10. Under what conditions are observation studies most appropriate? Suggest ?

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10. Under what conditions are observation studies most appropriate? Suggest some new uses for observation studies. Be creative.




  1. i totally agree with the previous poster.

    here are a few of my thoughts -

    in general --

    firstly, when data cannot be easily verbalized - in cases where the subject cannot communicate with the researcher -- eg, kids below 4-5 years; people who've lost their memory or communicative abilities or have language disabilities, or are in a coma; and animals.

    secondly, when the data to be gathered cannot easily be quantified.

    more specifically -

    * in clinical studies of little children or people who can't communicate

    * in behavior intervention studies of little kids

    * sometimes when the subject cannot speak the same language, you may supplement your data with observational findings.

    * behavioral studies involving animals

    * astronomical studies - where you cannot control, just observe

    * psychological experiments/ psychiatric treatments

    * behavioral effects of certain drugs

    * sleep disorder studies

    * effect of certain variables on farm animals or on workers, etc. (eg effect of lighting, music, ...) - whether it enhances productivity, ...

    * effect of certain variables on plants

    * in case of ALIENS ;-)

    hope these help

    all the best

  2. This sounds like you have to answer an essay question. I am certain that yr textbook will be able to give some ideas.

    On the other hand, define 'observation'. Is it observation o a phenomenon after an intervention? Is it observing a particular behavior after an intervention? Is it observing numerical results that are derived from a survey or other data collection instrument?

    I had a student in my college ask me something like that while I was eatiing lunch one day...... told him to Refer to The Fascinating Manual!

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