
10 day old is constantly hungry!! How much is too much?

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I know cereal is bad for newborns and I'm not going to try it, but she is constantly hungry. She is eating about 4oz. Every couple of hours but is hungry every 2 hours or so. I try to hold off for 3 hours, but she just can't wait. Any advice would help.




  1. My son was that way, he was also 6 1/2 wks premature also. She is just little and as long as she wants it, give it to her.  

  2. wow sounds like prywilly syndrome


  3. Brest feed her

  4. that's totally normal, my son was constantly eating when he was a newborn, i think most newborns eat a lot, eating every 2 hrs is normal

    he will start to eat less frequently as he gets older.  

    my son is 7 months and still eats every 3 hrs.

  5. My daughter was the same way.  All you have to do is feed on demand.  Don't give her cereal yet.  Her little tummy is not ready.  

  6. My little girl was the same as well. She used to drink until she threw up. I used to breast feed her and she used to finish and then used to throw up.  So i started to pump and start giving her every 3 hours about 4oz. Worked for us.

  7. At this age you should still be feeding on demand. Try giving her a 4 oz bottle every 2 hours and see how she does. It may just be that she is going through a growth spurt.  

  8. She should be eating 3-4 oz. every 2-3 hours around the clock. My only advice is that it gets better. :-)

    Sleep when she sleeps, if you aren't breastfeeding have someone else feed her so you can nap. If you are breastfeeding she will get hungrier quicker because breastmilk is more easily digested by her little tummy.

    Congrats..and hang in there.

  9. You need to feed her what she wants, as right now she is the best judge of what she needs.  The "every 3-4 hours" rule is only a generalisation - it is certainly not suitable for every baby, especially newborns.  10 days is also a common time for a growth spurt.

  10. babies are supposed to eat every 2-3 hours so if she's hungry every 2 hours that's normal. just feed her when she's hungry. don't make her wait.  

  11. This is very normal, You could also try feeding her on 5oz also as she my last longer between bottles.

  12. Newborns are always hungry - feed her when she's hungry and it'll be fine.  They don't have 'schedules' at that age.

  13. Feed her when she wants to eat.  Is she hungry after the 4 ozs? Then try to increase it to 5 ozs.  Also my doctor had me liquify baby cereal after my baby got to 13 pounds. (he was 13 lbs 5 ozs at birth but lost down to 12.2 until he was about 6 weeks old.)

  14. Breast feed all she wants, that's best for her.

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