
10 gallon community tank help?

by  |  earlier

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Hey everyone, I'm just getting into the hobby.

Here is what i initially hoped for: 8 neon tetras + 1 betta. I though it would be great but i keep reading how it is a gamble, i guess i'll have to choose otherwise.

How does this sound: 8 neon tetras + 2 albino cory cats + 2 platies this good or too crowded?

Do you have a better idea, could give me what you would put in exact numbers? I know 10 gallons is not much, but im a beginner and that's what i'm going to have to start off with. Thanks everyone




  1. I would say you should get some 5 neon tetras 5 guppies and 2 platies

  2. I'd say that the 8 neons and a betta is great.  Despite their reputation, male bettas are actually very good community fish.  They just can't be with:

    other male bettas

    female bettas (except for breeding)

    guppies, angelfish, gouramis, etc. (fish with large colorful tails similar to a bettas)

    fin nippers (tiger barbs, angelfish, etc.)

    fish that will eat it (arowanas, pictus catfish, Colombian sharks, etc.)

    But I think a little bit better stocking list for your 10 gallon would be (even though your current one is fine)

    6 neon tetras

    1 male betta

    3 panda corys/3 skunk corys/5 red cherry shrimp

    But yours is okay too.  The second one (neons, corys, platys) is too stocked.  Good luck!

  3. Maybe you could go with 4 neon tetras and 1 betta? ( To start out )

    Good Luck!

  4. If you want to get a betta they are usually fine with tetra's.  I would only get 6 though not 8 so your tank is overloaded.  Your second choice is too many fish as well.  A good rule for a beginner to follow is one inch of adult size fish per gallon.  If you take 8 neons would be at least 8" + 2 cory cats for another 4" + 2 platies for another 4" you can see you are overstocked.  


  5. I would always go with the 1inch of fish per gallon rule.  I myself have a 10 gallon tank with 14 fish but my tank is running into trouble at the moment.

    Cory cats are great bottom feeders.  I would try atleast two or three

    Neon tetras are great fish too but beware of the inherent neon tetra disease.  You should keep them in atleast a group of 4.  (I have 4 and they are doing fine)  

    Platies are livebearers so I would keep them at a ratio of 2 females per male.  

    I would say go with 3 corys, 4 neon tetras, and 3 platies.  

  6. Hi.  Neons are tiny and stay tiny, so 8 is no problem.  The cats will stay mostly on the bottom, again, no problem.  2 platies are fine, but if you like the colors you could go for 4.  The rule of thumb is 10 gal = 10 fish, but I have a 20 gal high with probably 40 guppies and a 15 with about 30.  I rarely have a fish die, so I'm sure the rule of thumb can bend.  Some community tank fish that look nice might include mollies or swordfish.  Both are very pretty and get along.

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