
10 gallon fish tank for hamster?

by Guest67038  |  earlier

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Can i get a 10 gallon fish tank for my syrian hamster? Is it too small? Can it fit a small small igloo a wheel food bowl water bottle toys and wood things to chew on for its teeth?




  1. Yes, all my hamsters and gerbils live in aquariums.  My Syrian is in a ten gallon and he has plenty of room.  My gerbils have a twenty gallon but they run around more so it's better suited for them.

    Please make sure that if you get an aquarium it has proper ventilation around the cage.  Don't put it in an area that gets too hot or cold.  They make good cages because they are easy to clean and are more accessible but the lack of airflow can make it too hot or too cold for your hamster.  

  2. Yes, you can. A 10 gallon is the perfect size recommended for a syrian hamster. I wish you great luck with your hamster and please, if you like my answer, please vote it for the best answer. Wish you and your hamster luck!

  3. useing a fish tank for hamsters isn't a good idea the lack of good air flow from the sides and bottom of a hamster cage can be a contribuating cause for the condition called wet tail

  4. 10 gallon is enough for 2 hamsters. He/she will be so happy.

  5. a 10 gallon tank would be fine.It would have plenty of room

  6. yeah, there would be plenty of room for the hamster. :D  

  7. mammals should not be kept in fish tanks. The urea and moisture builds up and they can get respiratory infections easily.

    You are better of with a mouse cage or fine bird cage with adequate ventilation.

  8. It should be fine, but if you feel he's getting to cramped you can get an extention that fits on the top.

    I also like some of the wire airier cages better, but if that's what you got....

  9. Yes, he will be fine in their. And, yes, you will be able to fit everything you need in their for him.

  10. ya sounds fin to me

  11. Yes, there would be plenty of room.

  12. your hamster will be very happy

  13. I think it'll be fine as long as you don't fill it with water.

  14. not to be rude to you but to your other responders-would you wanna live in a bathroom? you could but it isn't comfy. a 10 gal is MINIMUM. it should be at least a 20L.  

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