
10 gallon fish tank with betta?

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Does anyone have any suggestions for a setup for a 10 gallon fish tank with a male betta. Also can I added snails or ghost shrimp or other little things like that with the betta. Thanks!




  1. i had a betta in my tank, if i were you, just to be safe put in a clear blockade thing so it can see the other fish, and if its reaction is calm the other fish should be fine.

  2. I would add the snails and the ghost shrimp, beta's often wont eat the shrimp. Beta's get along with goldfish, tetras of all sorts, and just regular calm community fish.

    You should add decorations like stuff for them to swim through and hide in. Small-Medium plant coverage with 2 in high gravel.

    Also you can get an African Dwarf Frog, These frogs are small and dont get big at all. They are perfect mates with Betas.

    It's a Betta and it's a Siamese fighting fish.

    Betta's can be great tank mates with other fish.

    Also when setting up your tank make sure that you have chemicals like "aqua clear" and "clear water". When you first set up your tank dont add to many fish until later, otherwise the water WILL get white cloudy, learned that from expierence.  

  3. I would just say to make sure that even though it's big it seems smaller and has lots of hiding places. I'm only on my second betta, but the last one I had got sick so I but him in a bigger tank so it would be less dirty and he died a few months later... I think the placing was wrong and he had too much sunlight so make sure that's not an issue too. As for others in the tank, I've never tried, so the other answers are your best bet there. Hope I helped some!

  4. I would only add 1 Mystery Snail or 1 Apple Snail, unless you want a few later on...they might mate with 2.  Ghost Shrimp are great cleaners and supplemental food...but not sure your Betta will get em...but it's possible.

    Add in about 3 Cory Cats and a log for them to hide in.  Medium plant cover for your tank and a school of about 5-6 Neon Tetras and your set.  

    You could also do an African Dwarf Frog...these critters are small and dont get big at all.  They are perfect mates with Bettas.  And they will go with your neons and corys.

    EDIT:  Dont know what a BATA fish is...Chinese fighting fish...LOL! It's a Betta and it's a Siamese fighting fish.

    Betta's can be great tank mates with other fish.

    Best of Luck!

  5. I have a betta in a six gallon tank. I know that mystery snails would be safe, but I don't want any more snails (I have them in my other tanks). With shrimp, it depends on the personality of the betta. I have added a couple of ghost shrimp to see whether our betta would bother them. He is curious but hasn't really bothered them, so I feel it will be safe to add a different kind of shrimp. In your case, I'd just go slow with the shrimp too just to make sure there is no problem, but for the most part bettas will get along with snails and shrimp.

    In a ten gallon tank, what is usually recommended for tankmates for a betta would be a school of tetras, some small corys, or maybe an African dwarf frog. Nothing that nips long fins or would look to the betta like another betta.  

  6. Give him some plants. I know I sound like a broken record but I suggest aponogetons. You can get a pack of 5-6 bulbs for like $3. Just drop them in the tank. Not all of the bulbs will sprout, but the ones that do will grow fast. I don't know to much as far as as snails or shrimp.

  7. I had my 2 betas in a 50 gallon tank, they occasionally fought, but mostly stayed away from each other.  You can put a beta in any tank with other fish as long as the beta is the only aggressive fish in the tank. The others have to be "community fish" meaning they are not aggressive.  If the beta doesn't seem to get along you can always get a jar and place him in there.. They can live fine without anything such as air pumps or filters or plants.  Just make sure you don't put a lid on the jar, the get the air from surfacing.  

  8. snails are fine not sure about shrimp

    i would get a school of zebra danios for your betta tank

    bettas are compatible with some fish and they are Siamese fighting fish not Chinese fighting fish  

  9. uumm...becs, if you have actually looked up BETTA, not bata, on google you would know everything you just wrote is wrong! 10 gallons is great size and your betta will thank you for the space!

    Bettas are from Thailand and it used to be called siam, that is why there nick-name is a siamese fighting fish. They have never lived in the wild in china OR in Japan!

    Bettas are called fighting fish because they fight OTHER male bettas! I just HATE when people assume things about the fish, and have NEVER read about them before if you have ACTUALLY looked them up on google you would know they do very well with other fish that have short not long flowing fins and non-colorful fish. African dwarf frogs, hatchet fish, snails, female guppies, platys, mollies, small species of plecos, cory cats, kuhli loaches, some dull colored tetras, but you have to watch out for fin nipping, and lots more! Don't listen to people who know nothing about the fish and just listen to rumors! These people have no knowledge of the species its self. I am just started breeding them and love keeping them! 1 mystery snail and shrimp would do good with a small school of hatchet fish or a small school of cory cats.

    E-mail me at if you have any more questions on any of the species i mentioned!: )

  10. lol no one listened/listens or is listening to becs! uh i bet her betta didnt live for 2 could put in some shrimps.. and you could add snails or even another betta ONLY FEMALE ..only if you might want eggs..

  11. 1) I'm not to sure about setup I had mine in a tiny tank

    2) NO OTHER FISH WITH IT NOT EVEN ANOTHER BATA. Bata fish are also called Chinese fighting fish. They will not get along with other fish and other fish can kill it or it can kill other fish.

    look them up on Google.

    Good luck!!!

  12. DO NOT LISTEN TO Bec's!!!!!!!! she is totally wrong and doesnt no anything! she does not know what she i talking about! Your male betta CAN be in a community tank! yuo can have ghost shrimp and snails but the only fish you CAN NOT have in the tank with your betta is fish with LONG FLOWY FINS the betta will mistake it for another male betta and kill it. you can put tetras in it and maybe a molly or 2 maybe 1 or 2 platies or swordrtails to, calm fish only please, they can be wit other fish and shrimp and snails what i would suggest is:

    Your male Betta 1 or 2 female bettas, that may cause eggs though do not get that if you do not want eggs...if you do not want eggs then

    your male betta, 1 molly, 1 paty, 1 swordtail, 1 snail, 1 shrimp would be fine, remember dont get the bigger kind offish you only have 10 gallons. hoped i helped! oh and when i put things in all capitals im not being mean and kinda yelling at you i do that when im saying something important and that you need to know. hope i helped.

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