
10 gallon for 2 leopard Geckos (for a little bit)?

by  |  earlier

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I have a leo i thinks its a female and i would like to get another female will they get along they would be 1 year olds

is it okay to put 2 one year old leos in a 10 gallon tank until i can afford a 20 gallon




  1. if you put them in that tank they will fight over lack of territory e.g space. then you will end up seperating them anyway. they could get bad cuts or even lose their tails. its a stupid idea. i wouldnt house one in a 20 gallon tank never mind two, and certainly not in a 10 gallon. my leo lives a wonderful life on her own in a 50 gallon and she loooooves it and she is only a year old.

  2. it'd be fairer on both your leos if you waited until you had all the supplies for both. its unfair to subject an animal to cramped conditions just because you want one and dont want to wait till you can care for it properly. save up and get what you need first, otherwise there will be competition for food and space, with will stress out both leos. also you say you 'think' your ones a female, make sure you find this out for definate before housing it with another, 2 males can fight to the death, and a male and female could result in lots of baby leos.

  3. How long is your gecko? If your gecko is around 8 inches to a foot long I wouldn't do it you'll stress out the reptiles. Just wait until you get the larger tank. That way they both meet on neutral ground and is less likely to attack one an other. If your tank is too small there is a huge chance you female will attack the new one because the tank is too small for two pets live in peace. Which I do know you can keep leopard geckos of the female s*x housed together peacefully.

  4. no

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