
10 gallon tank for one tiny goldfish !!!!!?????

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I heard that you need 10 GALLONS (45 LITRES!) of water for a goldfish ! thats seems an awful lot for a goldfish that it 1 cm long !!!! i have a gold fish tank that contains about 3 gallons of water with two very small goldfish about 1.5 cm long each (Storm and Sparkle :) ) the tank is about 33" wide and 17" talL. Any way i wasnt planning on getting any more gold fish, but i feel bad now i thought the tank was big enough for them, help help any aquarium experts or any one who know things about gold fish out there thankyou !




  1. Babies are very tiny when they are born too, look at what they grow into,  most goldfish its 30 for the first one a 10 more for each goldfish so if you have 3 goldfish you should have a 55 gallon tank.  And with Adequate filtration.  

  2. Are you sure they are 1.5 cm long?  Even almost newborn fry are that big.  The general rule is that one fancy goldfish needs 20 gallons with 10 more gallons for each additional fish and commons need 30 or more per fish.

    A fancy goldfish should be 8" long at maturity and an common 12" or more.  If you keep them in small spaces they become stunted and die of organ failure or toxic water conditions.  You could keep 2 small fish in a 10 gallon for a bit but you would need to keep upgrading tanks and that is expensive and a pain to do.  It's also hard to know when you should be changing tank sizes.


  3. all goldfish grow over a foot

    3 common/comet/feeder/carnival goldfish need 80 gallons

    3 fancys need 40 gallons

    i hope you do whats best

  4. Your goldfish are tiny because their growth is stunted. Goldfish are messy fish, I'd want at least 20 gallons with an excellent filter for 2 goldfish, preferably 30!

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