
10 gallon tank - how many fish!?

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firstly, don't worry, im planning to get very small beginner fish - tetras

how many tetras (or do you have another suggestion for fish) can i keep in a 10 gallon tank. 10 gallon because im a student and landlords don't allow anything, and cause tanks are expensive!

also, is there anything special i need for tetras, filters, heaters? is this the easiest fish or is there something else?

thank you!!




  1. I wouldn't put more than five tetras in a ten gallon. If you want to add more to the tank, then you can get some African dwarf frogs, they will mostly stay on the bottom and will not have territory wars with the other fish.

  2. Combinations:

    1.10 1inch fish

    2.5 2inches fish

    3.3 3inches fish

    Follow the 1inch of fish per gallon rule but you can have more than ten in there like 12 because I put about 10 fishes in a 10 gallon tank and they are swimming healthy even though they are 1 1/2 inch per fish in my tank it just depends on how you take care of them...... and tetras are hardy fish and needs a party of 5+

    you can have swordtail,danios,platy,guppies, and mollies

    these fishes are pretty good examples for a good community fish tank

    (Compare answers,you'll get better answer to your question)

  3. Good for you for starting with easier fish! Too many people start off with fish that will grow to be very large or difficult to care for.

    Tetras are an excellent beginner's fish as are mollies, and guppies. You will need a filter of course, and a heater, as they are tropical fish. I highly recommend spending the extra $ and getting a fully submersible one. The "hang on" type are harder to read and just don't seem to last very long. My personal favorite are Emporer tetras. But would require a slightly larger tank. Bleeding heart tertas and rummy nosed tetras are cute though. You should be able to keep 6 or so of those mid-sized tetras. If you choose something smaller like neons, or cardinals you could keep as many as 8 or 10 as long as you cycled properly and maintained your water very well.

    Here is a large selection of tetras.

    EDIT: The 1" of fish per gallon rule is total and utter c**p. Two 5" fish in a 10 gallon tank? That is laughable. They would just barely be able to turn around and would quickly foul the water. Fish are also territorial to some degree. My emporers were all three in a 10 gallon as juveniles and had to be moved to a 29 before they reached maturity and they max out at 3.5"!

  4. well tetras are very good begging fish if you are looking for other fish or aquatic animals to go with them i would recommend putting them with African dwarf frogs which can be little tricksters they sometimes fake dead so if you are going to get 5+ tetras don't worry about getting any African dwarf frogs or any other fish at that because then the tank would get to crowded but you could get 2 or 3 tetras and have room for African dwarf frogs or other types of fish i will say this once again if you are looking to put any other fish or aquatic animals with tetras i recommend the African dwarf frogs because the are very social animals and don't worry about territory or anything like that but if you want more than 2 different types of fish or aquatic animals be careful what type you choose because not all fish do well with all types of fish and it would be very bad if any of your other fish die but the main thing you need to remember is that the 1 inch fish for every gallon is rubbish it is absolute c**p so don't follow it another thing to remember is not to get the tank to crowded.

    ~Mavrick .C~

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