
10 idiots attacked 1 country. The country pissed off and attacked 2 countries, starting 5&7 years' wars that ?

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Ok 21 idiots.




  1. No. First, it was 21 AND their leader in Afghanistan. Secondly, the war only lasted 41 days. It's the reconstruction that's lasted 5 years and that's not unusual.

    We helped reconstruct Germany for a decade after the end of the war. During this time...AFTER the war was over...over 3,000 U.S. service men died at the hands of German nationalists known as 'Werewolves'. After 60 years, we're still in Germany. In fact, up until recently we had more service men and women in Germany that we EVER did in Iraq: 170,000 even 60 YEARS LATER.

    Finally, while we were only attacked by 21 idiots and their leader, there are a LOT of idiots still out there. We'd prefer not to fall prey to any more of these idiots. The democrats seem to believe that if we just leave them alone, they'll leave us alone. Unfortunately, as these 21 idiots proved, that doesn't work very well and Republicans would prefer to kill them there rather than clean up the bodies here.

    Perspective helps a lot, but not if you're trying to push an agenda.  

  2. what 10 idiots are you talking about?

    Can not be 9/11 as there were more than 10 idiots that attacked us that day

  3. Justified wars can be started over the actions of 1 person, so your "ratios" don't provide any proof as to why we shouldn't be finishing the war.

  4. So, do you think one MAN (HITLER) was not cause enough to go to war?

  5. you forgot that the actions of those individuals has been turned into stereotyping and racism from a great deal of americans to the point where one presidential candidate's allegiance to the US and religion are put into question in an attempt to smear his character...

  6. We shoulda pulled out of Iraq the day after Saddam was found.

    We shoulda sneaked into Pakistan and served Osama Bin Laden a bunker buster suppository and if discovered after-the-fact,...said OOPS, my bad. End of story.

    We don't learn from our failed foreign conflicts.

  7. When one needs a "legacy" anything goes.

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