
10 month old, no teeth?

by  |  earlier

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My daughter is almost 10 months old and still doesn't have any teeth. Is this normal? Should I be worried?




  1. No, don't worry, she's fine! My Mom was terribly concerned that I didn't start to cut a tooth until 18 months, but they all came in eventually. =)

  2. It's fine, don't worry yourself. Kids teeth come through at all different times, there is no set age,my nephew was 14 months old before he got his 1st tooth.

  3. It's very normal.  My daughter didn't cut her first tooth until she was 12 months.  I have always heard that the later the teeth come in the less chances of having bad teeth.

  4. my daughter didnt get any teeth until she was a year she is 2 and 1/2 now and has 12 now! she is normal. good luck

  5. no, don't be worried. My brother was 16 months old when his first tooth came in.

  6. Yes it's normal! My daughter didn't get her first tooth until she was 13 months and now at 2 she has 16 teeth.

  7. I have ask the same question on here about my son not having teeth at 9 is 11 months now and he has 4 teeth and 1 coming out!!!! Before his teeth started to grow in, I ask his doctor about it and he said a lot of children does not get there first tooth until their 1 yrs old. Don't worry...they will come in soon.

    Good Luck.  

  8. don't stress out it's totally normal some babies don't get teeth until they are 18 months old. she is fine they will come in when they are ready.

  9. Its normal up to about 18 months, my daughter is behind on teeth compared to her peers also-she has 5, and 1 coming in and she's 15 months old.

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