
10 month old with a fever?

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My son is running a fever off 100-101 F. I'm a first time mom and not to sure if this should be taken lightly, or a ER visit. He is teething..and seems to be doing everything else normally. Hes a bit more crankier then usual. Both me and my husband are sick but we did not get fevers. just stuffy and a sore throat. I have given him 1 dose of tyl this morning and then another at 6pm. Any ideas of how I should take this?




  1. my pediatricians wont have you come in to be seen unless the temperature is above 102....  if you keep giving him tylenol and by tomorrow his fever still hasnt broken i'd call the drs just to let them know what is going on and let them decide if he needs to be seen... im sure he's fine though... teething sucks!!!!  

  2. I don't think you need to go to the ER for a fever of 101, that's not terribly high.  I would put a call in to the pediatrician though.

  3. 1st thing to do is call your pediatrician. Teething normally causes a fever but call your doctor

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