
10 month old with gooey, weepy eyes?

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Ever since our daughter was born, she's always had "oozy" eyes - yellowish-greenish discharge. Our doctor says it's a clogged tear-duct and to just wait it out. She is now 10 months old now and we are still dealing with this. Sometimes she wakes up with her eyes "glued" shut; has this ever happened to one of you? Also, whenever she gets a fever or has been on antibiotics, her eyes are perfectly I suspect some kind of infection?..? I appreciate your help!!!




  1. Take her to a knew doctor, maybe you need a knew doctor maybe your doctor, has never seen this so he is taking a guess. And also, it's very possible she was born like that it sometimes is just how the baby is born also, be very clean maybe you are getting bacteria in your babies eyes, and it's making them all gooey wash your hands at least after you use the restroom, before you cook a meal, and after you cook a meal at least.

  2. Its normal for children to have that for the first year.

    It really helps if u soak cloth in warm tea and clean her eyes with it.

    take care

  3. My son had the same problem when he was born. My doctor had me gently (with clean hands) massage the sides of his nose, near his eye, with my pinky. I assume that's where the tear duct is.  It worked. He's now 8 months and has had a recurrence, watery, but no goop this time. The doctor recommended massaging the tear duct again.  It's only been a few days, so I hope it works.  

  4. Sounds like your child has conjunctivitis. It spreads fast and so easily. Wash your hands thoroughly before and after touching you childs face and the same when she is rubbing her eyes etc. If you are not happy with your doctor seek a second opinion with another doctor.

  5. yes defiantly see a new doctor ...and try either mild salt water eye wash or go see a pharmacy for some cream for conjunctivitis...

  6. 10 months is a long time to go with a clogged tear duct.  They generally will clear themselves up, but I suggest you get a second opinion.  In the meantime you can try -as warm as you can- putting a wash cloth on her eyes for a few minutes 3 times a day. Thats what we did to clear up our babys eye.  If it were infection it would have cleared the first time you noticed it was gone due to the anti-biotics she was on.  

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