
10 point for whoever can help?

by Guest63763  |  earlier

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i want to reorganize my room. i want to move things around but before i do i have to figure out if i'm gonna like it. i was wondering if there is a program that i can put in everything like the size of the room and size and shape of my furniture. all i really want is to be able to easily rotate at any angle and move the stuff. so if anyone knows what might help me(on the PC) then i'd appreciate that very much. thanks




  1. I'm not entirely sure what you're asking.

    You want a program that allows you to input furniture into a digital room,and lets you move stuff around?

    A creative idea,but there isn't anything out there that's incredibly reliable because of the way that all furniture varies so heavily.

    I would just use my head.

  2. i suggest u play sims on pc.. well, i am practicing that kind of style in arranging my things..

  3. make a picture were u want to move everything then move it there

  4. The Sims 2 LOL!


  6. uh Google's sketchup Pro let's you sorta do that.

  7. i would go out to the mall look for stuff you like think what would go well with the other stuff you have  

  8. i tried this..and all i did was simply key in..'redecorate ideas'...and eventually u will be led onto a link that will let 3d image.....have a look at different styles..etc..   (its great fun) :)

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