
10 points, tell me about your most embarrassing moment.?

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I need to feel better about mine.




  1. Lol the latest embarrassing thing that happened to me was on Saturday night. We went out clubbing to celebrate my friend's birthday. The theme was prom dresses ie dressed up. I wore this gorgeous, strapless red dress. It was so nice my friend told me i looked like a vogue model in it! Everyone had commented on how nice it was. Once a guy picked me up, as he became really touchy feely when he found out I was leaving. To my embarrassment as he picked me up, my dress slid down to reveal my b***s!!! and i was higher than everyone so everyone saw it!! and everyone said something about it. In another club I was dancing with this other guy,  we were holding each others hands and  we vaulted from one side to another side of the room...surprise surprise the dress fell down again! It was mega embarrassing because there was a large group of men to the left, who were watching us because i was dancing with their mate, and no one failed to hide a grin....Later on i saw the guy i was dancing with and his friend who also tried dancing with me... as i was propping up my dress in fear that it will fall down again, the latter guy said: Are you keeping that dress under control? and we had a long conversation about that offending dress. I didn't notice until his friend mentioned it, that this guy was wearing fake b***s!

  2. Tell me yours, dude!

    I was sleeping in a tent outside and my parents and some of their friends were having a bonfire on the other side of the yard, when I heard something scratching on the tent. I figured it was my cat so I said, "Peanut?" And then it POUNCED on the tent, and I screamed, and everyone came running over.

    It WAS my cat btw.

  3. My fiance and I were going to college. He lived with five other guys, but at any given time there would be one or two random guys that would stay there for the week. In order to see each other I would have to come over in the early morning between our two jobs and classes. It was that, or we couldn't see each other during the week. He started sleeping out on the couch because his roommate that shared a room with him started a graveyard shift and needed his sleep. One morning, before the sun came up, I had just let myself in to his apartment, and saw that his alarm clock was by the couch so that he wouldn't sleep through class. He hadn't been expecting me so I carefully walked through the pitch black apartment trying not to trip over anything. I wanted to surprise him with a wake up kiss, so I knelt down and started to kiss him. It was turning quite passionate when all of the sudden he went completely rigid. I sat up to see what was wrong and it wasn't my fiance at all. It was some random guy who had just happened to stay overnight. I thought I was going to die! All I could pathetically say was, "Sorry, I thought you were my fiance." His reply? Well, after he stopped laughing and could finally take a breath said "It's all good."  

  4. It was about 1am last Christmas eve; and I was having a party at my house, with my friends and family.  All the guest where hanging out in the game room. It's a big room that can hold about 30 people comfortably. So, I was sitting on the couch right next to my grandma and my aunt. There were other people around as well, playing pool, and fixing drinks at the bar. So I decided to turn on the TV, to see what was on. Now let me just tell you, that this was a really big screen TV: about 74", with a full room surround sound.

    Anyway, so I turned it on, and it just so happen the person previously watching TV, left the channel on Cinemax. (For those who don't know, Cinemax is a great channel during the day but at 1am, they love to show erotic movies.) So the TV is on at this point, with the full blown surround sound.  And the only thing on this 74' screen was a porno with 3 people having a 3 some, moaning so orgasmic.

    That's when I completely froze, my mind went absolutely blank. I started punching in random numbers, on the remote.....097....083.....888.  Nothing was coming up in my head, except no existent channels. People where looking at me, like I was a huge perv. Finally, my brother walks over, grabs the remote from my hands and says "What the h**l is wrong with you???"  Then he quickly changed the channel to something more suitable. At that point I was all dazed and confused, with nothing but a hilarious look of embarrassment on my face. Right then and there, my grandma looks at me with a huge grin and says jokingly......."I had no idea, you where into those kinds of things!!!"  I DIED RIGHT THERE, WHAT YOUR READING NOW IS THE TEXTS FROM A DEAD GIRL.  ; )

  5. I was with at my mother's in law, playing around with my wife in the kitchen, hoping that no one else would see.  She moved for a second and I accidentally squeezed my mother in law's *** real good, instead.  It was mortifying to me because I really like my mother in law, a lot, she has a beautiful ***, and she thought I was a pervert because my wife could not really explain what happened.  

    What an ***.  

  6. Long story friend managed to convince me to ask this semi-pro hockey player for a hug (saying that she'd do something more stupid if I did that), so I did, and he basically said no (he said he needed to change out of his sweats first). It was quite embarassing and I still get made fun of for it!

  7. I liked this one guy terribly, and so I tried to get his attention by acting like "the-middle-of-gossip" girl. I went over to my close buddies and said, quite loudly, "What's new?" Sure enough my crush turned around. Catching on, my buddy replied, "Deborah got a haircut today." I looked and saw that my crush was listening too. Panicking, I said back, "Shorter or longer?" My crush starting laughing really hard, and ashamed, my friend told me my mistake, "Uh, Kylie, you can't cut your hair longer." I ran.

  8. I swam up behind my wife in the pool reached around and gave her breast a nice squeeze........Arghhhhhhh it was her MOM!!!!!!!!!

  9. My parents gave me and my 3 brothers some money to go out to eat. We each took a friend with us. Well my oldest brother took his best friend, who I had a huge crush on. So we sit down and all of us order. Everything is going fine, until our food arrives. I go to grab the ketchup bottle (its glass) and its not very full, so I'm shaking it and pounding on it to get the ketchup to come out of the bottle. At which point I accidentally fling it all over my button down shirt. I was mortified, so I got up and went to the bathroom to figure out how I was gonna fix this. it was mainly on the bottom of my shirt so I use a paper towel to clean my shirt up, and I unbutton my shirt half way up and tie it in a knot so its not so noticeable.

    I come out of the bathroom, and every ones laughing and my brothers' say that it just made it look worse tied like that. So I scream "Fine, is this better" and go to untie the knot, well what I did was grab it and pulled it and in the process snapped all the buttons off, which flung my shirt open for my brothers, my crush and everyone in the restaurant to see my b***s. I pulled the shirt closed and ran out of there. (I did end up dating my crush for 8 months, to the dismay of my brothers)

  10. I took my three year old son to the grocery store in his stroller. I had a branch  that I was tapping him on the shoulder. As we got to the store I put the branch underneath the stroller and took it into the store.

    As we got to the check out (with a hot cashier, which adds to the embarrassment) the cashier is talking to my son. My son blurts out loud with a female bagger and another woman behind me in line that Daddy has a big STick. The problem is my son can not pronounce "ST." It comes out as a "D." (I'll give you a moment to read his comment again). The woman, convinced she heard my son wrong, asked, "what was that? " My daddy has a big STick, down there." As he points over the back seat of his stroller which sort of points at my mid section.

    I then pull the branch out from the bottom of the stroller and state, "he's talking about this." My son then chimes in again. "See, daddy has a big STick." The woman tried to hold a straight face. As i paid up and rolled away. I heard the lady behind me address the cashier, "Yea, but I wonder if it is true?" Which the three ladies roared out load.

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