
(10 points) Dating Ideas please?

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my bf and I only got a little time left together. he leaves on sometime near Aug 19. we plan to have one last get to gather with our friends which will be a bomb fire.

but what can WE do? we are both 18

I'm sick of movies, dinner, and/or ice cream

so what are some ideas?

we don't have an amusement park wear we live, I'm not in the mood for swimming.

so what can we do?

thank you very much.




  1. you could go paintballing, quading, go to a lake and just hang out there..maybe even camp out, you could drive outta town to someplace nearby and stay there, maybe do some of the things there, you can go and make pottery,you can go dancing, you can shoot can maybe go to a concert if there is one during that time, there are lots of things..look up stuff there is to do in your community on google.

  2. How about camping just an idea :D

  3. Bowling, mini golfing, zoo, drive in movies, walk around the lake, go to the pet store, mall...

  4. I'd say go on a midnight walk

    I love those

    Especially in like, the park or something

  5. i personally love going on picnics or camping is really fun to.

    I'm 17 me and my boyfriend have been together for 3 years i have been in your place trying to find other things to do.  

  6. Just go to a cafe or something and chat, what about bowling or some other sport?

    = )

  7. Buy a spiral notebook and take it to a park or lake with you. Start writing a story like.....I remember when I was a little kid I was walking to school with my brown bag lunch when all of a sudden a big bear stepped out in front of me wearing a crazy red hat. I looked the bear in the eye and realized it was you....

    Then hand the notebook to him to continue the story. When he is done writing  he then will give it to you for continuation...  so on so on. this will become so ridiculously stupid that the only thing left is teasing and laughing. Then have a picnic.  (ps. you can't use the bear)

  8. Scince hes leaving soon...maybe what you should do is set up a really romantic dinner for JUST THE TWO OF YOU alone with some very nice music (mood setting music). Maybe you should do this closer to the date that he is leaving and for now before he leaves maybe you guys should do something YOU BOTH LIKE, maybe you can just sit at home and watch t.v just something relaxing. I think that would be fun, but I don't know, I'm only 14 so I don't do things like this yet but this is always something I wanted to do with someone I really want to be with.

  9. how about the park

  10. If it's a bomb fire...

    You can... sit by the fire under the covers... roasting hot dogs and making smores... And talking.. also, if there is trees you can play spotlight and others know it as flash light tag. and if there isn't trees you can do fire works.

  11. Do some fun stuff together. Mini golf, bowling. Liek someone else said, go to the zoo or something. It may sound stupid, but I bet he hasnt gone to the zoo with anyone else  

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