
10 points! What is the difference between the use of "shall" and "should" in this sentence?

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Each member of the organization *should* be represented at all meetings of the board of directors; however, a quorum of two thirds *shall* be necessary for the holding of a meeting.




  1. Should implies an option of it not being so. Shall implies necessity that it is so.

  2. Should is a word that means that it would be appreciated. Shall is a word that means whatever proceeds or preceeds it necessary.

  3. shall is something one will do.

    should is something one is supposed to do.

  4. shall is a command

    should is advice

  5. shall- future tense

    should- future tense and have to

    should is like a command

  6. shall means will be as in future tense.  Should means what is going to happen.

  7. the first one (should) means that it is advised* that the organization be represented at all meetings, and the second one (shall) means that it will* be necessary for the holding of a meeting.

  8. Shall means you will

    Should means that your kinda supposed too.

  9. Should- would be nice

    shall- will be so

  10. should- they are supposed to but are not required to

    shall- they are required to  

  11. Should - means that it is advisable.  It's a recommendation.

    Shall - means that it is needed.  You must/you will.

  12. Should implies an action that would be beneficial, not that the action will actually be done.

    Shall means the action will be performed.

    In your example: should allows the board member to object to appearing at the meeting as it is not required merely suggested

    while shall means the meeting cannot be held unless 2/3 of the people are present no excuses.

  13. should is not mandatory (option not to)

    shall is mandatory ( no option)

    at least thats what i think and i have an A n english

    hop i could help

  14. Should means It would be best to be that and shall means it is going to be that

  15. Should - Advisable, recommended

    Shall - Compulsory, obligatory, manadatory, for sure

  16. Should is subjective and open to extenuating circumstances. Shall is a mandate and leaves no room to play.

  17. Well, I think the difference is that when 'should' is used, it's not definitely going to happen, and is almost like a recommendation, but a bit more forceful than that, and shall is something that will happen. Both of these are in the future tense I believe.

  18. should is a suggestion whereas shall is an order.

    P.S. Do your own homework..........

  19. Should is a word meaning what would be best, or what would commonly be agreed upon as what ought to be done.

    Shall is like will.  Shall says that that is what's going to happen, regardless.

    So should is ambiguous, but shall is concrete.

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