
10 points. What is the most valuable thing parents can give to their child?

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1.) $100,000 Cash

2.) Cars (Value $100,000 in cash)

3.) A House (Value $100,000 in cash)

4.) College Tuition and fees (Values $100,000 Cash)

5.) Business (Value $100,000)


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  1. How about the wisdom to realize those things mean nothing if you don't have intelligence and love for ones self and others?

  2. Well, I was going to say LOVE, but then I saw your list.. so I'm assuming you want us to pick one of those? Well, out of those, I'd pick a house.

  3. I was going to go with love and self confidence, but now I see you are talking about material things. I think that the college tuition and fees is the most valuable. Anything else they could sell and blow the money, but a college education is something that they can prosper from for the rest of their life.

  4. The most valuable things parents can give their child is a verbal witness to faith in Jesus Christ and the testimony of a life dedicated to following Him.

    If you're meaning monetarily valuable, then I'd say $100,000 in cash.  Then they can use it to start their own business or to buy a house or finance college if they go, i.e. whatever is best for them.  Cars in $100,000 are a poor value, because they don't need cars anywhere near that expensive, and they'd have to sell them for less.

  5. I would have to say #4. That way they can choose and live how they want.

  6. well just giving life to us is very valuable but if its from your list it would be #5 a business having your own business should be the best being your own manager ..

  7. the most valuable thing a parent can give a child is not any of thses things because material thingsdont matter i think the true answer would be love

  8. Faith in God!

  9. LOVE but out of ur choices college tuition nad fees that way u can get an education and make something of yourself

  10. none of the above.  give them love, attention and quality guidance when needed.  (And correct them when they need correcting).

    If it has to be materialistic - the $100,000 cash would get them any of the others. so I would put a $100,000 into a trust fund.

  11. Life without it your are nothing.

  12. Their time.  That's really what children want is their parents' attention.  Play with them, teach them, find out about their feelings, tell them about yours.  Time is more precious than money and, in the long run, it's alot harder to give up to others.

  13. well from your list it would have to be 4 so they get an education to buy 5 and when its going good then they can buy 3 and 2 and have 1 in there pocket so i pick 4.

  14. Give a man a fish and he eats for a day.

    Teach a man to fish and he eats for life.

    If they give you the skills you will be rich beyond your dreams.

  15. The ability to think for themselves..."wow mom only loves money"

  16. A sence of Humor and self worth.

  17. Love? Don't you think that should be number 1 on your list?

  18. 4 college fees!

  19. Kids don't need any of these things on your list. They need to feel secure and valued. They need to be taught responsibility and the concept of giving to others. They can, then, acheive your list on their own- if that's what they choose to do.

  20. I'd choose love but #4 you are setting them up for a good future and they can get 1 2 3 and 5 all from #4

    Good luck!

  21. If I had to pick out of that list it would be College tuition and fees. You can never make it in this world without education. I'm learning that the hard way. One thing that is much more valuable is morals. If everyone in the world had more it would be a much better place.

  22. 6) Guidance (Value $priceless)

  23. From your list I would choose the college tuition as they have the opportunity to be the best they can be at what they want to be.

    But from just reading the topic I was thinking unconditional love.

  24. this is a trick question! Good morals! money is nothing in my eyes! my mom tought me more then prices!

  25. Love and sense of worth. BUt out of your list i would choose a college tuition and fees because you can always get more out of that then anything else.

  26. LOVE is the most important

  27. 4. College Tuition and fees. Donald Trump says that besides love and happiness, education is the most important thing to give to your child. They can have a chance to make their own life that way and be successful.

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