
10 points best answer! code to hide general intrests box on myspace but still be able to read writing in it?

by  |  earlier

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please help!!!




  1. Hide Interests Section Titles (Music, Television, Books, etc)

    Put this code in ‘Who I’d Like to Meet’:

    <style>.interestsAndDetails .lightbluetext8 {display:none;}

    table table table table td {width:0px !important;}</style>

  2. <style>

    table.interestsanddetails span.lightbluetext8, table.interestsanddetails td.text {display:none;}

    table.interestsanddetails td {width:0px; padding:0px;}

    table.interestsanddetails td td {background-color: transparent !important;}

    table.interestsanddetails table, table.interestsanddetails, table.interestsanddetails td {border:none;}


  3. any code for hiding that section will work, it only hides the thing that says 'general interests'. you can still type in it and people can see it, you just can't see the 'general interests' thing that you always have on your myspace.

    this code will work: <style type="text/css">

    table td.text {visibility:hidden;}

    td.text td, td.text span, td.text a {visibility:visible;}


  4. <style>.lightbluetext8{ display:none; visibility:hidden; }</style>

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