
10 points best answer?

by  |  earlier

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ive been to 18 diffrent docotors

and they all said my blood (which is a+)

my blood could mix with any other DNA

my blood would take it in.

the allso said my desine is colser to a fish

than any other animal

also my skin is changeing

when under water i can see and hear perfect

i swim faster,

and i can hold my breath longer

the docotor that is testing my blood add more Fish DNA in my blood stream

then for a month i got blood test ever week

my blood took it in

is this a new dicovery

im i not human any more

ill give 10 points to best answer

and no stupit anwsers

this is very imporant

or not possiable because you can look at me and see the truth




  1. U must be kidding fish can't write or ask questions to be true If ur story is true u r suffering a mutation and I don't believe this is really happening if u could really picture urself and send it I may believe u r kidding right ?!!

  2. well if you can braeth underwater then you would not be human, are you still walking and talking then your like half human half fish! how long did it take

  3. My advice? If your doctor is turning you into a fish, stop going to see him. Unless you want to be a fish.

  4. are you a deep one?

    \no 10 points for me
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