
10 points best answerr!! is my bird being dominant or is he mad, scared?!

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Is my bird just moody or trying to be dominant.? 10pnts.

since im a new cockatiel owner and also adopted him, my 4 yr old cockatiel can get mood swings. he was very attached to his first owner so now i have to try and get him to like me. i dont think he does though. its hard for me. im trying to be paitent and get him to trust me but i feel like everything im doing is wrong. he just got his wings clipped yesterday, and keeps falling. he thinks that he can fly and falls. is he going to get really hurt??!! and now whenever i get near him he swaks and not bites but opens his mouth and attempts too. i have to grab him to get him out of the cage. when hes out he falls sometimes and still tries to bite. WHAT should i do?! is he trying to show me that hes dominant and scare me? how do i make him like me too.

thank you so much 10pnts too best answer

thanks also...should i just not take him out for a while? until hes more adaopted...all he does realy is sit on this one perch of 3 and climbs down to drink and eat. usually he sings and whisltes alot..but i think the wing clipping set him back...or did i????




  1. give him about a week to adjust, but get close to his cage and talk to him, after he has adjusted always remove a bird from their cage with the up command, put your finger infront of him and push gently on his breastbone which causes him to step up, if he puts his beak on your finger dnt be scared he is just testing to see if your finger is sturdy. It is natural for him to attempt to fly since he hadnt had his wings cut b4, after he is on ur hand put ur hand above a sofa or smthing soft , he will attempt to jump off and keep picking him up withing a day or 2 he will learn not to jump off. Offer him treats with your hand. also if he does bite you dont pull your finger back they love reactions instead leave him alone(not in cage) and come back to him 2min later. When he does smthing good reward him(good bird, treat) he will learn easily. He had a straong bond with his owner it seems and it will take a while until he forms a strong bond with you.. You have to make him trust you. If i took you oout of ur home and put you with another family of course it will take a while for you to trust them.

    hope all works well!

  2. I just recently bought a bird and it was very attached to its owner. It was really afraid of me and did the same thing your bird did....Most likely your bird is scared, if it aggressively bites the cage when come near it or bites its food bowl when you try to change it then it is showing dominance and is unsure of your intentions......Your bird isn't likely to get hurt by falling unless there are objects that it could get stuck in..such as toys that it feet could get caught in.....I got my bird to trust me more and like me more by just giving it some time,try giving it some special treats and let your presence be known by talking to it....if it starts getting agitated just leave it alone for a while and come back when it's calmed down.....if you can let it out of its cage do, that way your bird can get used to it's surroundings.......i really hope that what i said helps, it worked for my three birds

  3. Be gentle with him. Birds with clipped wings can't fly well obviously. he is scared because it is a new environment and you are a new person. My cockatiel used to be my grandpas but when he passed away we took her in. She is very attached to my mom now, we are not even sure how old she is. Just slowly put your finger up to him, he will eventually warm up to you. Like when dogs sniff your hands. Don't let him fall or hit anything too often. Sometimes my bird does that by accident and she is o.k. was it his first wing clipping? Who clipped them? Also try hand feeding and offering small pieces of bread to show you are not going to hurt him. Talk to him also, never ignore him. Have a conversation if you have to but they are social animals so be social! Hope this helps, good luck

  4. If you just got him, give him a few days to adjust. Sit by his cage and quietly talk to him. He will get more use to having you around.

    After a few days, just place your hand inside the cage. Make no movement towards him, just keep your hand still and talk to him softly. If he tries to bite you, take your hand out and try again in a few hours.

    When he lets you have your hand in the cage, gently move it towards him.

    If he bites, back it away. Eventually coax him on to your finger and let him up.

    About the flying, your bird was used to being  able to fly before so it will take time for him to get use to not being able to fly.

    Remember- it will take time, months, for this process to work. The bird needs time for the trust level to be built.

    Good Luck!


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