
10 points..camping in egypt desert...what to bring???!!?

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i am going camping in the desert for one night. what should i bring with me?????




  1. Water. Make sure if they give you water not to take a bottle of water that has already been cracked open. They sometimes fill it up with Tap water, which isn't the best for you. Carry small Egyptian money and don't put all you money in one pocket, you don't want all your money to be seem if you are paying someone. There is a lot of people trying to sell stuff, (yes even in the desert) be wary of these guys, Sometimes they can even get down right hostile! and last but not least do not get on anyones Camel! Especially to take a picture with you on it. They will hold your camera as well as you Hostage! They help you get on the camel, someone else takes your camera to take your picture and then they say,"you want to get down? you want your camera? then you will have to pay!" Since your pretty high up and someone else has your camera most of the time you have no choice. I told then it was in my pocket and I can't get my money out unless they let me down and they did but they get angry. If they get angry get angry right back. Lot of hustlers and theives. Keeps all your belonging close at hand. Kids as well as adults are some of the best pick-pockets and hustlers in the world! So keep a keen eye and if something smells fish get out. Know your directions, know the way. There are some people that look for people that seem new or don't know where they are going and seemingly want "to help you" find where ever it is you are going, (even take you on the public bus) Only to find out they are taking you to a store or someones place of business that they know so they may get a commission. Either way you lose. I would suggest getting a penpal or someoen that lives in Egypt and bulid a relationship before you go over there. It is some much of a different expierence if you know someone in Egypt. Good Luck.

  2. i suppose u'll find all you need to know here

    Have fun!

  3. I went camping in Siwa few years ago, it was amazing and so much fun.

    Take water, juice, a spray for mosquitoes (Off), heavy jacket cause it gets cold at night, a torch, whips, and if the guy who's gonna set the tent isn't gonna bring food (they do the best buried chicken and lambs ever) take some food with you.

    Have fun and keep safe ;) ... where are you going exactly?

  4. Right well you can get camping tips for the desert anywhere but this is a serious WARNING.

    My friend was just on a desert camp trip and she got attacked by some really nasty wild dogs.  They circled around her and her husband for ages before they attacked. Then she was bitten ...really badly.

    So I guess you should take plenty of first aid materials.  The number for rescue services - like as salaam hospital who have good ambulances.

    And take a rabies anti-dote if you can get such a thing because this poor lady has had to take many jabs since the attack and she has really suffered.  

    I think you should go camping but please be careful the dogs they seem to just appear out of nowhere.

  5. just take urself and explore dont lsn to any of that rubbish iv been so many times you gonna have the time of your life with the right people!

  6. dont let anyone scare you .

    beduins are honest and trusworthy .

    bring with you enough bottled water ,sunblock ( Luna is good ),a bar of soap, toilet paper , wet tissues , clothes to change , and DONT FORGET A TORCH.

    a torch is essential at night in case you go our of the tent or hear a strange voice , etc .

    take whatever is essential for you personally .

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