
10 points for best answer? do you think these boys like me? [edited because some people critisied it lol]?

by  |  earlier

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Heya i'm only nearly 15, and i was just looking for peoples ideas and opinions on what they think :] x

1. The first boy i sort of like, he works at my mums work place [morrisons], and i used to go to her after school and he always stared at me. Last night he was at this party and whenever his girlfriend wasn't looking he had a good look at me. Today my mum told him that i fancied him and he went bright red and didn't say anything :$. I think he likes me not too sure :S.

2.The second bloke, well he's 26 [i'm trying to forget about him but i just wanna know if you people think he likes me lmao], i danced with him last night. My mum got me to dance with him [as mums are embarassing :S]. He kept staring and smiling at me, he obviously wouldn't do anything because he knows its against the law. When that song "I'm having the time of my life" came on, he held out his hand and pulled me to the dancefloor and we was doing really romantic dancing..his head was really close to mine and he was resting it on mine. His face also got close to mine and he was starong at me and then he bought me a drink. After that he took my hand again and we went out into the outside bit where everyone has a smoke. We just talkied and he kept staring then...then we hugged and went home lol.

Does it sound like they fancy me? i'm just wondering becaus ei like them too :$ thanks x*x




  1. 26!

  2. number 1 may possibly like u.  BUT play it cool, and dont think about it too much, concebntrate on school and your friends.  NUmber 2 DOESNT fancy u, as sees u as a little sister.

  3. 26 girl.Sorry but you are being stupid.You are nearly 15.And the one guy is 26 and a guy who is already working at morrisons with your mum.Choose someone your age.

    lol Morrisons  

  4.'re not even 15 and these guys are you see the problem with this?

  5. no they sound creepy when u meet mr right you'l know

  6. Ok, two boys, one girl, one dilemma, it's quite obvious that mystery man #1 likes you, why would someone go red, when they're told someone fancies them, if someone who i didn't like, told me they fancied me, but i had to attraction to that person, i would not go red, or stare at her.

    Mystery man #2, you are trying to forget about him, like you said, he is 26 you are 14, right, he seems, kind, generous, sweet, romantic, good dancer and he bought you a drink, this is a sign he likes you, when a man buys a woman a drink it says, "I would like to buy you a drink, to show how much i care about you, and to see if your thirsty", this shows his generosity and his kindness, and if he did not try anything with you, like a, kiss or a touch of the bum, then this shows he is passionate and respectable, a hug is a good way to say bye and thank you for the dance.

    It's really it's up too you, who you choose to be with, make sure you choose someone you have a lot in common with, because if you don't, you will never feel the same way about each other. Bye

  7. your mum works at morrisons lol

  8. Well go with your heart but make sure you do not get the pencil wrirting on you before you get to knwo him better whoever it is unless that is what you loking for then you get what you want.

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