
10 points for best answer friends and i wanna party but none of us have an appropriate house where do we go?

by  |  earlier

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we live with our parents so can't use own homes.

we don't wanna have to pay for a venue

and cant get into clubs

where can we go?




  1. How many people?

    1-5 Just have a nice simple sleepover in your room.

    6-10 Umm...Try to convince your (or their) parents to use one "floor" of the house while they are in the other.

    11-15 I don't really suggest having more than 10 people at a party, but if you have that many friends, postpone the party for another 3 weeks or so, and convince your parents that you are really responsible by cleaning the house, mowing grass,doing what they tell you to do. (I know, it's hard.) I ahted having to work for my sleepover priveleges, but it helps!!

  2. Have a outdoor party. Those are great. You guys could also go to the movie theaters, a park, or a mall. You could also ask someone's parents if you guys could camp out in the backyard, like those outdoor sleepovers in tents or something.

    Have fun. :)

  3. uhm no idea..

    ill come back if i find anything..

  4. you should just tell everyone to meet somewhere public like the mall or local trendy place! :) that would work

  5. come party at my pad

  6. do u live in the city or country? if its close to nature you could go to the woods or old r u guys lol? dont do anything stupid if ur all underaged

  7. field party! :D

  8. YMCA!  

  9. You should try finding somewhere open and private but that may not be the best thing since you want to throw a party. You should also ask around. Maybe someone you know knows somebody that  could help. For this type of thing you have to know the right type of people. If you know college students you should ask them about free places you can throw a party. College students (that are popular amd party a lot) have all the right connections. I would also advise looking on the internet but we all know that that's a long shot.  

  10. go to a community club house..most gated neighborhoods have a club house that they will let you use.

  11. Go to bed.

  12. why not have a BBQ at the park or something.

  13. I would say one at the park! Make it in the evening! Have people bring food and drinks~ and maybe a few balls of a few sorts. Somebody could bring a boom box and turn it on ur favorite radio station... if there's wireless ipod speakers that someone has bring those with ur ipod (and bring plastic laterns to lay across the park, if there are no lights.)

  14. well if one of your friends has a back yard ask the parents if you can use it. if you are doing things at the party that you would not normally be allowed to do be responsible enough not to get caught.

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