
10 points for best answer...laundry question?

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how come whenever i have colorful panties and they accidentally get bleached with the white clothes that everything on the panties fade except for where the panties become moist from me wearing keep in mind that the crotch area inside the panties fades but only the middleof the crotch area where they become moist doesnt, stays the same color......this has heepend to me 3 times....once with some camo panties once with some magenta panties and once with some dark green evidentally it doesnt have to do with the color.....also they were all cotton underwear




  1. I actually do wash surgery scrubs, at my job and I notice that the crotch area of the women's scrubs and the front area of the men's scrubs are harder

    It took me a while to realize that is because urine drops are there

    Urine kinda repeals Bleach

    Bleach will take the urine smell out but if it repeals the cleaning action of the bleach, al around it gets bleached and not that area.

  2. Maybe you have really thick discharge.But that is still weird because clorox is supposed to remove everything.

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