
10 points for the answer to In pool how do i get the pool ball to come back to me off another ball?

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I would like to know the fundamentals to get the cue ball to come back to me. How to get it to come straight back and curve a little left and right so say shot 1 straight back shot 2 left shot 3 right i want to know what angle the cue stick needs to be at what english to use on the ball and what speed and momentum if you could provide good websites or videos would be great to




  1. strike the cue ball slightly below center, this will cause backspin. with enough backspin the ball will return.

  2. Hitting the cue ball below the "equator" will give you the effect that you're looking for.  The difference between making a ball stop versus having it come back is determined by how much backspin you put on the cue.  Using more chalk and following through (on a straight shot) will have it back up effectivey.  

    The best way to work with this is to line some balls up and practice bringing them back towards you.

  3. if you hit the underside of the ball gental so it doesnt chip it should roll back to you when it hits

    try it but it works for me

  4. Your question is far too broad.  To properly explain how to draw the cue ball, I would have to explain proper stroke mechanics.  The most common problems that people have with draw shots are as follows: 1. The cue isn't level (they are raising the butt end of the cue) 2. They don't have an accelerating stroke  3. They aren't hitting their finish point (they aren't following through and instead they are poking or jabbing at the cue ball).  The best way to learn proper fundamentals is from a qualified instructor.  There are books and videos out there that provide some good advice, to be sure.  Still, there is no substitute for an actual person right there to help you make corrections and to personalize a lesson plan for you specifically.  Once you have grasped the idea of a proper pool stroke, all of your other shots, including draw shots, will vastly improve.  M.D.-BCA Instructor/Referee.

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