
10 points for the bast answer!What should I pack for the hospital?

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I should be having a scheduled c-section on 9-9-08, since I will probably be there couple of days I don't really know what things I should pack for me and the baby for when I go to the hospital.Any suggestions?




  1. Toiletries, camera, and an outfit for you and baby to go home in. That's it.

    Some people like to bring their own clothes and pillows and junk, but seriously, why do you want your personal stuff all covered in hospital germs? That is just more laundry to do when you get home. Some people bring stuff "to do". Uh, when I had my baby I was pretty busy taking care of her and trying to get a minute of sleep. I was never bored. Don't overpack. If you find you need something either the nurses will have it on hand or your family can run home and get it for you.

  2. The 9/9 is a great date as thats my birthday!!

    I had my baby 6 days ago, and i found i packed way to much stuff....

    I would stick with packing -

    *pjs fpr you (ones with buttons at the front if u are breast feeding)

    *socks for you


    *slip on shoes

    *maternity Pads - You will go through alot of these, the hospital does supply you with some

    *toothbrush and tooth paste

    *shampoo and conditioner  if you feel like a shower


    *pair of trousers/tracksuit pants

    *a tshirt (loose fitting)




    *singlets (if you want to use them)

    *some one suits & a special pair of clothes to go home in




    *if you are bottle feeding you will need to bring all your own bottles and formula

    *baby blanket

    Most hospitals do supply some nappys and wipes, they do also dress them in those robes to...

    Good luck and i wish you the best


  3. Clothes.

  4. Toiletries for yourself unless you don't mind the cheap ones the hospital gives you

    Comfortable clothes to wear including socks it gets cold in there unless you want to wear hospital gown


    Hair brush/toothbrush

    Cell phone or list of numbers-hospitals don't let you call long distance

    Going home outfit for baby and yourself

    Special outfit for newborn pictures

    *The hospital will supply you with everything you could need but sometimes stuff from home is just better*

    Some people say to bring your own pads because the hospital ones are like diapers but I loved them since I bled so much (optional and personal preference)

    I bottle fed but if breastfeeding whatever you would need for that.

    Make sure you have either a nursing bra or sports bra. something to support your b*****s because they will get sore.

  5. toiletries, camera, car seat, baby blanket and going home outfit for baby. Thats it, you can always get someone to get you a magazine, but for the most part, your busy sleeping and watching your newborn.  

  6. Being a c section you should pack the following for yourself:

    -a couple of nightgowns or PJ's (Something that allows you to breastfeed if thats what your planning)

    -underwear (most likely around 8 or so pairs. Also make sure they are the bigger type, not the briefs so they don't rub on your scar)

    -maternity bra's if your planning on breastfeeding

    -dressing gown and slippers

    -spare clothes (tracksuit pants etc. Make sure they are loose.)

    -breastpads (if you plan to breastfeed)

    -toiletries (shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap)

    -things to do (book, cd player, magazine etc)


    -Jumpsuits (about 2 or 3 per day that you will be in hospital as they get messy easily)

    -Snibs (Most hospitals prefer the use of cloth nappies while in there)


    -disposeables for when you leave the hospital (if you plan to use them)

    -cotton balls (to clean up baby when he/she soils the nappy (hospital will have some but its good to be prepared)

    I hope I have put in nearly everything you need.

    Good luck to you and I hope I have helped

  7. Although helpful, some of the answers ignore the fact that you're having a c-section and mention a lot of things you won't need but you'll be able to filter those out yourself.

    I was due 09.09.04.  I was initially admitted to hospital on 20.09.04 to be induced and was sent home for a couple of days when that didn't work.  They tried to induce me again upon my return (I was 2 weeks overdue) and that didn't work so they scheduled a c-section and my son was delivered on 25 September 2004.  You've usually got to stay for about 5 days after you have a c-section so bear that in mind when packing.

    I'm in Australia and my hospital gave us a checklist of what to bring, which was very helpful and you may wish to contact your hospital to see if they offer something similar.

    Find out if the hospital provides the following otherwise you'll need to bring them yourself:

    * Outfits for baby (including singlets and all-in-ones [onsie?] - you usually need to add one layer of clothing to babies as you would normally wear because newborns can't regulate their own body temperatures)

    * Socks or booties and a beanie or cap (I'm not sure what season it is over there)

    * Scratch mittens

    * Diapers

    * Wipes

    * Bottles and formula (if required)

    * Maternity sanitary pads (not sure what brands you have over there but I found Libra Goodnights the best)

    * Blankets for baby

    * Hand towels or cloth nappies if baby spits up

    For you:

    * Make up (you don't have to wear make up but you will probably feel better because I'm sure you'll be in a lot of photos)

    * Make up mirror (you won't want to be getting up and down to go to the bathroom just to look in the mirror)

    * Lip balm and hand lotion (the air-con can be very drying on your skin)

    * Hair brush and hair products (including Shampoo and Conditioner)

    * Deodorant and perfume

    * Tweezers

    * Nail file and nail clippers (in case you need them)

    * Toothbrush and toothpaste (+ dental floss and mouthwash if you use it)

    * Pjs or nighties and dressing gown (it can get cold in the hospital as the air-con is on and button-ups are great if you plan on breastfeeding)

    * Clothes for you (some women wear their pjs all day but I didn't and bear in mind you'll be swollen and have stitches on your bikini line so nothing too constricting or that presses on that area)

    * Slippers or slip on shoes for walking around (you're not usually allowed to walk around bare foot)

    * Lots of underwear (also some plastic bags to put them in if you have to rinse them out - again bear in mind you'll be swollen and have stitches on your bikini line so nothing too constricting or that presses on that area - perhaps bring a few granny-style nickers just in case)

    * Breastfeeding bras and breast pads (if you're planning on breastfeeding)

    * Razor and shaving cream (HINT: you may not be able to bend very well after your c-section - if you sit down on a shower chair you can use your towel to loop it under your foot to bring it up to your lap to dry yourself or shave your legs)

    * Books or magazines (your baby will sleep a bit and you might get bored outside visiting hours but rest whenever you can - HINT: sleep when baby sleeps to catch up on your zzzz's) - a book on baby care or breastfeeding would be great if you haven't already read up on it or to refer to if you have any questions when the midwifes/nurses aren't around

    * Snacks (keep them in your bedside drawer for when hunger strikes outside meal times - can also be helpful as bribery to keep any children that visit amused)

    * Mobile phone and charger (you may need to go outside to use them as some hospitals don't allow them to be used in the wards)

    * Bed socks to keep you feet warm

    * Soap and soap case (if you prefer your own brand but don't use anything perfumed around your stitches)

    * Change (for the telephone, gift shop, cafeteria or snack machines)

    * Medication (including vitamins - you may also wish to ask about the mini-pill if you want to go on the pill and you're planning on breastfeeding)

    For baby:

    * Pacifier (pre-sterilised in case you need it and maybe even bring a spare - you can get different varieties so maybe try two different varieties as your baby might not like one of them)

    * Going home outfit and blanket

    * Night light (battery powered - I found this invaluable as newborns are not used to light and my baby was in my room so it was easier to use the night light for night time feed and changes rather than turn on the overhead light)

    A camera is a must so make sure if you have a digital camera that you have a memory stick and spare batteries (or battery charger) or plenty of film if you don't have a digital camera.

    It would also be handy to have a bag suitable to send home your dirty washing (including rinsed out underwear) if you have someone at home nice enough to take home your dirty washing.  If they bring it back the next day that also lessens the amount of stuff you need to pack.

    Sorry its a bit long-winded but I've tried to be as concise as I can.

  8.     *  Tooth brushes for everyone and Tooth paste

        * Any reference book or pamphlet you might need


    * Pillows from home (Use colored cases to distinguish from your birth place's linens)

        * Music you would like (You may need to provide your own iPod, CD Player or Tape Player)

        * Camera with film and batteries

        * Camcorder with charged batteries and accessories

        * Signed copies of your birth plan

        * Water bottles for ice

        * Your own wash cloths, colored ones work better

        * Waterproof pads for the car ride

        * Any clothes of your own that you wish to wear

        * List of people to call after the baby is born (include childbirth educator)

        * Lip Balm

        * Massage tools (Oils, massagers, etc.)

        * Change of clothes for partner, including swim trunks for shower or pool

        * Baby Book for getting the foot prints done by the nurse when she does the paperwork

        * Focal Point (If you want one)

        * Socks for mom

        * Special foods or drinks

        * Suckers or hard candy

        * Snacks for labor support

        * Calling Card for Long Distance Calls

        * Anything else you think you can use (Candles, pictures, etc.)

    Your Postpartum Bag

        * Nursing bras and pads (preferably the washable, soft ones.)

        * Breastfeeding book

        * Going home outfit for baby

        * Blanket for Baby

        * More film (Though you can buy this for higher prices in most gift shops.)

        * Another change of clothes for partner and any toiletries needed

        * Your own personal night gown, robe (They will get dirty!)

        * Personal Hygiene items (shampoo, your own pads, etc.)

        * Number of La Leche League or other breastfeeding support

        * Number of diaper service (if you need to arrange for delivery)

        * Car Seat with instructions

        * Going home outfit for mom (You will still be look to be about 6 months pregnant. Most women wear the clothes that they wore to the hospital, some bring nursing shirts.)

        * Birth Announcements, stamps, envelopes  

  9. I can tell you what I packed.  I packed a robe and some house shoes to wear at the hospital.  I packed some clothes for when I left the hospital.  I also packed lotion and a toothbrush things like that.  I packed an outfit for the baby (but I ended up not needing it).  I also took a book and movies (the rooms had VCRs in them).  I can't remember anything else, I think that was all. Congratulations!

  10. I over packed both times so I'll tell you what I actually used....

    for mom:









    mousse/hair gel

    hair ties, headband, etc

    nursing pj's

    nursing bra



    change of clothes to wear home

    for baby:



    diapers, wipes

    outfit to wear home

    The hospital provides most everything you need for the baby. If you're bottle feeding you may want to find out what the hospital supplies. If you're breastfeeding you're pretty much set.

  11. Packing For The Hospital

    A quick checklist

        * Shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, hairbrush, cosmetics and other toiletries for both you and your birthing partner

        * Glasses, in case you have to remove contact lenses

        * Several nightgowns, slippers and a robe

        * A change of clothes for your labor partner

        * Music CDs

        * Video or digital camera

        * Socks and lightweight slippers

        * Pillows

        * Playing cards, puzzles and magazines

        * Hard candies to suck on during labor

        * Snacks for birthing partner

        * Take-out menus

        * Moisturizer

        * Pencil, notepad and a watch for timing contractions

        * Telephone credit card

    After giving birth

        * Telephone numbers of family and friends you'll want to share the news with

        * Nursing bra and nightgown with front openings, if you plan to breastfeed

        * Supportive bra, if you plan to bottle-feed

        * Underwear

        * Money for snacks and other small items

        * Presents "from the baby," if you have other children

    Going home

        * Homecoming outfit for your baby, including undershirt, socks, sleeper, diaper and hat

        * Baby blanket

        * Car seat for the baby

        * A loose, comfortable homecoming outfit for you

  12. Ill tell u on my own experience and not what some lists that say what u MAY need.

    I was in the hospital for 3 days for a vaginal birth so the main things i really needed were-

    * 2 p-js. cause the hospital gowns suck, and i bled through the first one.

    * shampoo, conditioner & soap (come in sooo much handy!!)

    *since after having a baby and bleeding is so gross and VERY heavy, u might want 2 or 3 big body towels for after showers. Dont forget a few face cloths as well.

    * bring ur make up and hair stuff aswell, wanna look good for those first mommy and me photos :)

    *sandles for shower and slippers for hospital floors, yuck :P

    *bring 2 or 3 outfits for baby and a few recieving blankets.

    * ooo u need nursing pads!! u do still leak b4 ur milk comes in, and dont forget the nipple cream to, ull be glad u have that.

    *bring snack food cause i find they never give u enough, i was always hungry. AND bring a huge water bottle. also cash for cafeteria.

    *Bring 2 or 3 changed of cloths if u dont wanna stay in PJs. bring 3+ pairs of panties, trust me ull need em and 2/3 pairs of socks. Also bring nursing bra or wear one, and bring extra one just incase.

    *bring pads, although they should supply u with some, though i didn like the to much and they leaked and have no wings(so they really suck)

    *definately a tooth brush and paste.

    *bring ur own pillow, i found it much easier to nurse with and more comfortable to sleep with, plus it reminded me of home.

    *diapers, but they also supply u with these. i found i ran out fast and they never supplied me any.

    *Baby books to read or summin, u might get bored.

    *Dont forget ur camera or cellphone :)

    *Baby face cloths so u can bathe him/her

    *Maybe a blanket from home, sometimes it can get cold at night.

    *a small radio or walkman if u like music

    Thats all i can remember of great importance at the top my of head. i hoped that helped u out any. Good luck and congratulations :D

  13. clothes for the trip home

    3 changes of clothes for the baby

    diaper bag

    1 good book


    money for the snack machine

    slip on shoes for the shower

    camera (of course) and film


    good luck with your new baby i was in your shoes 9 days ago :-D

  14. i packed travel size everything i use in the morning

    shampoo & conditioner

    toothpaste & toothbrush

    hair stuff (scrunchies, hair spray)

    comfy pj's, robe & slippers



    pads (i heard hospital ones are HUGE)

    granny panties

    list of people to call

    cell phone charger

    2 onsies (a newborn & 0-3months)

    receiving blanket

  15. I just had a c-section last Sept and am scheduled to have another 9-15...I know what I need to bring now.  I will be bringing 3 baby outfits (1 for pictures) the 1st day its easier to leave the baby in just a one piece for all the blood tests and bands the baby will have.  1 baby blanket, 2 reciving blankets,1 baby jacket, a couple of pairs of baby socks.  I needed 4 large shirts and 4 stretchy pants for myself. (your belly will be sore!)  A couple of bras or breast feeding bras which ever you need.  Im glad i brought my breast feeding bras, this way I didnt have to whip the whole thing out!! your breast pump but they do have one there.  3 night gowns for the 3 nights you will be sleeping there.  Socks  but they do have some there.  I brought panties but didnt get to use them because they give you a special kind to wear.  I brought my own shampoo, conditioner, tooth paste, toothbrush, bar of soap.  They do have these but I liked having my own brands.  Plus you will need all personal things like makeup or body sprays, hair ties, brush , hair dryer etc. ...whatever makes you feel good and smell good!  I brought a camera and a video camera.  I think thats pretty much it.  Seems like alot but its really not.  Last time I had brought so many baby things I didnt even use half of them!! lol Oooo but I did use the pacifier that I brought!  I hope all goes well....Good Luck and take care!  Remember....take it easy and use all the help you can get while in the hospital.


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