
10 points for the most creative answer?

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What are some creative and fun things to do when hanging out with friends? We are between the ages of 27-35? Drinking can be involved but it can't be the only thing involved. So don't say to hang out at some bar or sit at home and drink because that's just lame. Thanks!




  1. Go paintballing with 10 cases of Jack Daniels. When you get through the first case, you won't feel the paintballs.

  2. Go out to a local store dressed in tiger costumes while drunk, asking people if they have any pancake mix. :D

  3. Drinking games, go to the beach, sports, maybe plan a nice theme-party (wooho!).

    Here are some drinking games ;

  4. karaoke, ice skating, clubbing

  5. Karoke .. weird at first but after a few drinks its gods gift to man. Maybe if you have the money, all of you pitch in for a weekend gettaway along the coast or in the mountains for a few days. There are many places that rent weekend houses.

    Flea markets are fun as well.

  6. Roll up, grap a couple beers and ur choice of chemicals. From there anything should be fun but heres what me my homies do.   innertube down a river or stream. Volenteer at a soup kitchen or any volunteer work. I'm lazy as h**l but hiking and mountain type **** can be fun.

  7. There are many options, but these are what i would do (depends on the time):

    12:00 - 2:00 pm

    Make a BBQ while listening to music with your friends, if you have a pool go swimming. (stuff like that)

    15:00 - 19:00 pm:

    Go to the cinema and eat popcorn! Choose a good movie


    Party! go to a club or at home, make sure you buy a lot of pizza and coke if its at home. also, loud music!

  8. Play golf, go karting, ball game, play twister, body shots, pool/hot tub, etc.

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