
10 points help!!!!!?

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I am a diverse Asian, and this one kid in my classes make horrible racial slurs, and remarks about me. I am nice, i don't even do anything to him, but he still does it. everyone hates him including the teachers, i want to tell but i don't want to be a tattle tale. please give me advise




  1. i would report him...if everyone else hates him then they will understand...

    Im mexican and i went through the same thing in high school with one girl. I never said anything and to this day I regrete it. When I see her around town I still have this crazy urge to run her over, haha. Report him

  2. Tell him that he's not accomplishing anything by making fun of you, and that maybe if he were more accepting he'd actually have friends. Bring this to the attention of the teachers very quietly, and just tell them to keep a closer eye on this little jerk. Most importantly, don't let him see that this bothers you!! Don't give him the satisfaction he wants. Let him know that you are going to be mature and ignore him while he will continue to be ignorant and immature for the rest of his life. Good luck!!

  3. Hey! Everyone gets teased! I got teased for my short hight. The best thing to do is to act like it doesn't bother u. He will get bored if he thinks it doesn't. It worked for me.

  4. Look,I think if you tell the teacher after class and ask him/her not to tell this kid who actually told on him, you might become completely better, as in all troubles go away. Another thing that works with bullies is standing up to them. My friend was being bullied so I stood right up and gave the kid a talking to. I don't remember them bugging her again. If you perhaps try to become the persons friend or find out why they are taking their own insucurities out on you perhaps they will realize thats what they are doing. Plus this kid might be going throught tough stuff such as divorce from their parents, being abused, and other things like that, like their appearance or them telling themselves I'm too fat or I'm too ugly, or I have too many pimples. They are probably just projecting their own personal insucurites to make you feel bad, which they THINK will make THEM feel better. This person probably doesn't realize that they are making you feel bad about yourself.

    If none of this is the case just ignore them. Once they realize you don't react to it, they will move on. Trust me, I had a bully that bugged me because just about every time, she made me cry. It hurts, but it will end. Goodluck! Hope this was helpful!

  5. If he isn't physically provoking you, there is no need to resort to violence. But don't be afraid to verbally beat his ***.

  6. He does it because your are nice.  If you need to tell an adult or your teacher, then do it.  You aren't being a "tattle tale".  You should be comfortable in your class and no one has the right to pick on you.  Go to an adult that you trust, a teacher, counselor principal, coach, whoever you feel comfortable with and discuss the problem with them.  Don't ever feel like it's your fault and the sooner you take care of the problem the sooner it will go away. Best of luck to you.

  7. This is going to sound horribly cliche but do tell them. Harassment is seriously not a good thing, and don't think you are the only one being harrassed. Perhaps if you tell, then others will too and there will hopefully be some action taken against the person who harasses you. I know in some schools like mine harassment isn't taken care of, but I hope that in your school it is. If not then just ignore him, it is probably the best policy.

  8. I think that it is very good for America to have diversity my grandpa was German American in world war two. (you think you have it bad) I am very proud of the fact that i am a German. I think you should be proud that you are an Asian.

    I don't care what his racial slurs were. The Asian cultures are much more refined the American rat race. besides Asians have a reputation of being very smart.

    so be proud not embraced.

    p.s. I'm a blond i get teased to

    Id ease off and laugh. he will get board after a while.

  9. First of all... if ever you need someone's help don't let the concern of being a tattle tale keep you from getting the help you need. That's one of the biggest scare tactics used by bullies and even criminals - not telling! So, TELL.

    Secondly, not only do I support your decision to tell, I would like to remind you that regardless of your race throughout your life people will always find SOMETHING to complain about everyone else. So, no one is perfect nor above having our flaws or other people's prejudices brought out in a negative way.


  10. Ignore him or be nice to him. Smile at him when he makes fun of you. If you do this, everyone else will gain great respect for you, and he'll eventually shut up. Just be mature about it. You can talk to the teacher about it for advice, but you don't have to ask him or her to do anything unless you think it's necessary.

  11. If he is saying the racial slurs to you, that is a crime. You should report it to the teacher and the principal so this boy could be punished.  No one should make racial slurs at people for their race.

  12. if you have a guidence counsler talk to him/her.

    you should also talk to the princlepal or dean. you can tell them about the racism and being the head of the school they have to do something about it. you can ask them not to say who told him

    you should also tell the ppl that it bothers you wen they say that and stand up for yourslef, dont get violent though, that will only get you into worse trouble.

  13. smack him in the face, once. you might get battered afterwards but after that it wont happen again cuz he'll know your not the type to take c**p. If they could, teachers would tell you the same thing but there not allowed to. put a stop to it now. and dont worry if hes bigger than you, everyone should get beat up at least once, its a right of passage, just dont let it happen twice.

  14. fight fire with fire and give him some remarks back! If the teachers havent punished him for this yet, then why should they catch you and if they do, then you tattle! a last resort could be hitting him...

  15. Ask him does it make him feel better about himself by putting you down with racial slurs, if so, I feel sorry for you

  16. out smart him in front of everyone, he may beat you up for it, but if you make him look like a fool in front of people more than likely they won't allow him to attack you. - but be prepared to take a beating if you know you can't beat him...

    there is no shame in geting beat up if you made him look like a freaking moron in the process

  17. Many people who call others names are extremely insecure about themselves...even if it doesn't look that way.  If everybody hates him, including the teachers, he probably knows it.  He might only know how to get someone attention by being mean.  Don't stoop to his level.  It isn't worth getting you in trouble too.  Know that when he is calling you a hurtful name it is because he can't think of anything else to do.  Try to ignore him.  If that doesn't work, talk to your parents or teacher.  Hang in there!!!

  18. most schools have a zero tolerance policy for this kind of behavior.  you shouldn't have to put up with this.  chances are he is treating other students this way, and you can report him but request that it be anonymous.  he won't know it was you.  

    it's actually in both your and his best interest for you to report him: he'll stop bothering you and he'll be broken of this behavior before he gets out into the work force where he'll lose his job for this kind of thing.

  19. Talk to the teacher.  We have a better chance at catching him in the act if you make us aware and we know what to listen for.  If that doesn't work, talk to an administrator.  They can talk to the guy without making it sound like you told.  Good luck!

  20. go to your guidance counselor first, if they dont do anything go DIRECTLY to your PRINCIPAL. you are there to learn not to have people say things about your skin color or how you look. thats ridiclious. cant believe any teacher wont do anything about it. dont feel like your a tattle tale. you really need to do this RIGHT now and take care of it. principals will handle it and i mean with the quickness.

    best of luck sweetheart

  21. just go up to him and tell him that he only makes jokes cuz hes insecure about himself or ask a teacher to talk to him about been races but not to say names

  22. I would just ignore him, I know that it is hard but sometimes it is just better to sit back and say to your self "if this idiot only knew how stupid he sounds" One day someone will tell him in a way he probably won't appreciate to much if he lives through it so just ignore him and remember that you are better than that.

  23. act like it doesn't bother you. this will eat away at him and hopefully he will give up. plus in this day in age...tattle telling doesn't apeopley...too many ppl are seriously getting hurt in schools and you have to speak up. you should speak to a principal or a teacher you feel comfortable least some thing is on record if anything serious happens.

  24. Tell him that you know he obviously has emotional problems, but that you'd appreciate it if he didn't take them out on you. Because you are Asian and you're proud of it and tell him that if he fails to see that, then you feel sorry for him and hope he gets over that 7-year old mentality.

  25. maybe right the teacher a note. or tell the teacher and ask them not to name them..but be carful cause some teachers do a bad job doing that

    good luck=)))

    double chin smiley hhaa

  26. my advice is go to a councelor or a principle and tell then not to say who told!

    you can do that

    just reaport him and tell them you want them to not say any names!

    hope i helped


  27. This is called "bullying" and it is not only wrong, it is illegal.  You need to say something to someone in authority.  Just think for a minute...what if something happened to you, by this person.  Do you think anyone will know there was an issue between the two of you?  For your safety and as legal documentation, tell someone.  I'll even feel better if you do :)

    This should never ever happen to anyone regardless of race, creed, color, or sexual orientation. It's bad, wrong and illegal.

  28. Be the better person and always walk away. Show him that he doesn't bother you. Ignore him because that will make him feel more low than he already is.

  29. well i think you should stand up in front of everybody

    when a teacher is around

    and tell him

    You look really cool standing here degrading people.

    WOW mr. cool guy everybody

    make him feel stupid and ask him

    why do you have a problem with me? you just make yourself look stupid dude!!!

  30. hold on... the advice i can tell you is to take it easy , and have patience , ....  you see we the minorities have to cop with something like that now and then , but eventually you will find the way the mean time ...  patience  my friend...  keep being nice one day will be apart, and you will be ok.....its his fault , not yours ...   its his angry ...   not yours

  31. Is he making remarks to other people to, or that other people here. you can go to someone and tell him you dotn want the bully to know you told. There not going to call you out if you tell them not to.
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