
10 points if you answer correctly! Why did the elephant sit on the table?

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No, it's not because he wanted to.




  1. Becuase elephants these days have nothing better to do.

  2. Because he could.

  3. Because , no chair was available at home.btw, the elephant's name is MARION.

  4. Q: What did the grape do when it was stepped on by an elephant?

    A: It gave out a little whine.

    Q: Why shouldn't you go into the woods at 5 o'clock?

    A: Because that is when the elephants practice their parachute jumping.

    Q: What is that stuff between elephants toes?

    A: Slow natives.

    Q: Why do elephants paint the soles of their feet yellow?

    A: So that they can hide upside-down in bowls of custard.

    Q: Did you ever find an elephant in your custard?

    A: No? Well, it must work.

    Q: What do you know when you see three elephants walking down the street wearing pink sweatshirts?

    A: They're all on the same team.

    Q: Why won't they allow elephants in public swimming pools?

    A: Because they might let down their trunks.

    Q: What do elephants use for vibrators?

    A: Epileptic pygmies.

  5. because he wanted to. easy. lol

  6. cause he wanted to

  7. because the puddys were under it

  8. Because it was time to get a new table

  9. Because the Japanse Man gave him c**p to eat so he thought he would but c**p on his food but accendently had an itchy butt so he had to sit down.

  10. Becoz there was no chair.

  11. Not only because he wanted to, he did it because he could!

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