
10 points if you can find 2 things wrong with?

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This poster of Bangkok Dangerous. The photoshop work is hilariously bad, hahaha.




  1. This poster started as Nick Cage pulls a gun and ended up as Eric Idle awkwardly scratches his armpit.

    Also, his right hand is large and flat, and fingers spread too wide(like he has no palm) or should be holding something, but i cant see because its too dark

  2. theres no theatrical release date.

    um... the original poster has him not holding a gun too just so people know

  3. no gun in his right hand

    he is scratching his arm-pit with his left hand

  4. well i see the eifel tower if i'm not mistaking and it's not in bangkok but in france,and second i think i see something photshoped near his left elbow but not sure

  5. He's not holding anything in his right hand. It looks like it tho...

    And well his left arm just disappeared into his jacket.

    So that's what I think! :)

  6. he looks that he is holding something in his right hand but he's not

    his left hand kinda wierd

  7. there should be a coming soon after the credits part thingy, the text is a little blurry, and it is a bit brighter than the original.  

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