
10 points if you get it....?

by  |  earlier

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I was asked this in biology and think it's a brilliant question, just hope I've worded it correctly!.......

What part of the body is there, has it's own name and has a function but isn't actually there?




  1. Your Spleen?

  2. the funny bone.

    it hurts when its banged but it isnt actually there, its not its own bone.

    its just the end of the humerous bone.

    is it that?

  3. your kidney! no kidney beans in there!

  4. memory?

  5. Air,oxygen

  6. I think the answer is your head. I'm not quite sure though. =/

  7. I am not sure your question makes sense deary. Are you saying like, it's imaginary? It has a name and function, but doesn't actually, physically exist? A specific body part?

    A circumcised man's f******n?

    Your mind or thoughts as you need them in order for your brain to function correctly?

    I am not sure what you're asking.

  8. tail?

  9. the mind?

  10. appendix

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