
10 points if you name the number one reason of global warming...?

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and explain what you think about that reason.




  1.  <== here's a good description.

    now, of course, the first thing to be done is to be more specific about the question.

    by global warming, does the question mean how warm the world is compared to how warm it would be w/o the primate component of warming?

    or does the question mean what is responsible for the warming that has occurred over the last 100 years or so?

    the link answers both those questions.

    in the first case, the answer is water vapor.  without it, the temperature of the earth would be quite a bit below freezing.

    in the 2nd case, the answer is CO2.  we've increased the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere about 40% since we started major use of coal and oil.  and CO2 acts as a blanket, retaining the heat (energy) that the earth receives from the sun.

    if you read the link, it will become more clear.

    (and your homework won't look like someone else wrote it.)

  2. im soo cool and the layers break and thats pretty much it

  3. simple.... atmospheric fluctuations.


       I'm not devoted to considering the earths rhythms or it's diversity's,... i find it all fascinating as conversation material tho.

       Having only a 70 -80 year life span to experience the variances of our earth and it's systems doesn't give us any righteousness, or supremacy, or justification to cause harm or disruption, or alterations to it, though.  THAT'S a fact.

      I'm all for leaving that to geological, terrestial, and stellar influence. The repercussions from those are devastating enough, without any contributions from us.

      All through 'time', earth has had fluctuations in it's atmospher, and every time, the inhabitants have felt the consequences to one degree or another.

       Ether this current fluctuation will amount to flushing the toilet, or, it will be just some global challenge we need adjust too.....    assuming of corse, our filth hasnt condemed our selves [and company] to geological history.

       I think earth will give us all the rope we need to hang our selves. AND, I also think it will tollerate us for many hundreds of thousands of years if we accomodate our lives to it's limmitations and stops and ballances.

      the reptiles of jurrasic and triasic existed for MILLIONS of years...  but... they didnt feel it necessary to drive any where  ether.

      the mammilians that replaced them lived for MILLIONS of years as well,... but they didnt feel it necessary to own any thing , or mine any thing, or ship one another grocerys, or fabricate material to inhance there existance..

      Perhaps earth is just seeking simpler life-forms,...  maybe we are a bit too complicated for it to support...

       We'll see, i guess.

  4. Over use of fossil fuels.

  5. the earth will go into a natural phase of warming...just like the ice age.

    we're just making it go faster and making it worse

  6. co2

    co2 is cool!

  7. farting, it personally digusts me

  8. Human ambition and carelessness.

  9. Al Gore

  10. CO2 or overdousage of fossil fuels

  11. Buildings!

    (CBS) It's a surprising but true fact: the number one cause of global warming isn't cars, but buildings.

    All those office complexes, schools and homes produce about half of all glacier-melting pollution, says CBS News correspondent David Pogue.

  12. Chlorofluorocarbons - This is the bi-product of burnt fossil fuel.

  13. The main gases contributing to green house effect are carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane and nitrous oxide. The largest producers of these gases are the thermal power plants, which burn the fossil fuels and produce these gases in large quantities.

  14. The number one reason is the only reason for climate changes.

    It is a natural process of the Earth. Warming and cooling cycles have occurred for almost all of Earth's 4.55 billion years.

    Go to and click climate history to learn how climate has changed through time. Also refer to Milankovitch cycles to learn how changes in how the Earth moves about the sun affects the climate.

  15. Humans: "Most of the observed increase in global average temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic GHG (Green house Gas) concentrations." - IPCC 2007

    And the warming is caused by, in descending importance, CO2, CH4, Halocarbons and tropospheric Ozone pollution.

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